Season 2|chapter 88

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"The judgement has been made",Leo read the paper he received from the jury. He felt sick and uneasy. "The Pendragon family had been the sole protector of the kingdom for a long time. But recently they had been forgetting their responsibility. They have been putting their own lives before the responsibilities god had given them. Every time a hell door was opened,they directly came to attack Pendragons and recently everyone got to know what hell wants. They wanted lady Hazel for some reason. And when she was taken away,Pendragons acted without thinking about the safety of the kingdom and opened a hell door. Angering gods,they brought Lady Hazel back. This clearly shows their irresponsible behaviour towards the kingdom and as a result a war has been created"

Jungkook saw red hearing all the bullshit. His clenched knuckles turned white as his whole body shook from fury. The only thing that was stopping him from going berserk was Taehyung's hand gripping his wrist under the table.

"The war has been continued for five years and things have not settled so far. Though hell has not demanded anything,it is a clear fact that they are venting their anger on us for what Pendragons did. It is solely an unfair affair to be the subject of their fury when the innocent has done nothing wrong",Leo continued to read with hardened eyes. He wondered if he himself thinks these statements are true. "To end this five year war,we need to give what hell wants. Though it has been obvious for years what they want,neither imperial family nor Pendragons had taken actions. Thus,as the jury of the court,we ask to give what hell wants",Leo's breath hitched as he read the next line. His eyes shook slightly reading it over and over in his head. Emerald words repeated in his head. This is the end of Pendragon family. Ending. Their ending should be gruesome. For that,Pendragons should be the villains in people's eyes. The criminals. To make them villains,something should happen. The only person who can make them villains or heroes,....The one and only this is how it starts....."Offer lady Hazel to the hell as a sacrifice",his heart leaped a beat,not in a good way.

The temperature of the room dropped. Everyone noticed the change as they all felt a shudder.

Leo felt his chest tightening with a mysterious force of domination. A ferocious aura which promised murder.  The urge to kneel down engulfed every single person in the room.

All the Pendragon men had their eyes glowing red as they stood up slowly one by one. They had enough. It's one thing if they wanted to banish them all but if they ask their sister's life,then be ready to have your head in a plate. Because if there's one thing they all wanted to protect wholeheartedly,then it is Hazel.

Hazel had empty eyes as she kept sitting on her seat staring at the table.

"Sacrifice who?",Seokjin asked,voice dropping low.

Namjoon chuckled darkly,"It will not be wise to make us the enemy at this point. Do you know what I mean?"

Leo couldn't breath with intensity of the aura they erupted. Everyone literally saw death in their vision as the fear of death engulfed them.

"THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD!",A jury member,who happened to be a priest,built up the courage to speak. "LADY HAZEL SHOULD BE —",blood splattered from his mouth as he choked. Soon enough he dropped dead.

Taehyung's fist was in the air as he made a choking hand gesture. He smiled coldly ,"Anyone wants to speak?"

"No",Jungkook spoke as looked at the jury. "If we kill the jury,the judgement will be invalid right?",his pscho smile brought chills to anyone who saw it.

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