Season 3|Chapter 108

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The plan was simple. Nabi and Orpheus would get caught by Nyx,and once they were brought to the hell,Orpheus would find a way to reach his wings hidden inside the lowest dungeons of the hell. He already had a subordinate(Nine) who would help him get out of the tray prison Nyx had created for him. And after that,he planned on saving Nabi from the current hell King and would go back to Nabi's world together. Yes,it was simple as that but their plan had miscalculations. Though Nabi and Orpheus had regressed the world nine times,they kept creating new scenarios that makes the future change itself naturally. Thus,they never saw the final outcome.

Nabi thought she had warned Kalisto enough to not interfere in whatever she does so she expected him to atleast stop Taehyung from opening a hell gate. After all,it would only bring more chaos. And she atleast thought that Kalisto had believed in her. She kept telling him repeatedly that she will not die in whatever case.

Who would have thought that he would bring the whole Pendragon family just to save her? Guess,a father's love goes beyond whatever belief they were forced on. No matter how much she convinced him,he would always get worried.

The plan backfired royally.

When Kalisto entered the dark castle where Nabi was imprisoned,everything went down the hill. Kalisto found Nabi in a dungeon and tried to escape with her. But who was he kidding,they would have never escaped under Nyx's nose just like that when he was the sole owner of the hell at that time.

It was a cat and mouse game at that time. While Nyx played the role of predator,Nabi and Kalisto had to be the preys. Hiding from room to room,wall to wall,they had to find a way to escape.

Nabi was frustrated and scared. Scared of losing her family once again. She had already killed countless of people through out her nine life times just to save them. What if she had to regress again? She was already reaching her limit of mentality. She is already crazy enough.

Nyx had already found them couple of times already and attacked them to weaken them. And then he would let them run off. He was enjoying himself.

There was no escape from him. Nabi was strong but she was no match against a hell King. An absolute being closed to a god level,even a Pendragon would struggle against them.

And that's when Kalisto made his last decision. He realised that it was him who made things complicated by coming here. If he stayed behind,would she have made it alive? Did he overestimated himself? Or did he lack the trust in his own daughter? 

When they found a dark room to hide,they both stayed still to catch a breath.

"Nabi,can you tell me what's your plan?",Kalisto asked eyeing his daughter who was guardian the door with a wary look.

"What?",Nabi was confused for a moment.

Kalisto stayed sat on the ground watching his daughter,"You said you are planning something. I had a lot of thinking after what you said after the winter camp. It's been 4 years since the winter camp,so I think the time was enough for me to figure out your intentions"

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