Chapter77: Eating

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Shen Jiayan was stunned and didn't react for a long time. him?

What does that mean? He said... Bai Mo likes him? Did he hear it wrong or did the other party say it wrong? Isn't that impossible?

There must be something wrong.

He doesn't know how long it took before he said slowly, "... I'm sorry, what did you just say? I seem to have heard it wrong."

Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows, his eyes darkened, and his tone was a little cold. "What's wrong? Are you so happy to hear that the people you like, like you back?"
Realizing that he had heard correctly just now, Shen Jiayan was in a trance. He slid down and sat on the table halfway. His face turned a little white. He was not even in the mood to refute the other party's words now.

He muttered like a self-talking, "... Are you sure? Why do you think so? Something must be wrong, right?"

Jiang Ming frowned.

This was not the reaction he had expected.

He stared at him for a while and said slowly, "Only an idiot like you can't see it."

Shen Jiayan closed his mouth and had nothing to say for a moment.

He still hasn't reacted yet. Bai Mo really likes him...?

It's not that he didn't doubt it, but the meeting just now was too natural, and there was no over-intimacy, which made him give up the idea.

But now that Jiang Mingyue said so, he had to reconsider this possibility.

If, if Bai Mo really likes himself... then how can he continue the plot?

He used to do those things with the idea that the other party hated him, but now that he knows that the other party may like him, how can he do those shameful actions like before?

[He called the system with some trepidation: System, is what Jiang Mingyue said true?]

A burst of silence.

After a while, the sound of the system sounded.

[System: No, that's just his own guess. Don't take his words to heart. You just need to follow your plot.]

Shen Jiayan was half relieved after hearing this answer, but the other half was still a little suspicious.

[Shen Jiayan: Really? However, previously Bai Mo's behavior was indeed a little strange--]

[The system interrupted him: Host, you don't have to pay attention to these. You just have to do like what you did before. Don't forget your task.]

Shen Jiayan was silent.

He still had some doubts in his heart, but the systematic words left him speechless. Even if he had doubts, he could only accept this statement for the time being.

Jiang Ming looked at the person in front of him, his head hanging down, frowning and his pupils quaking, he couldn't help feeling a little strange in his heart.

Doesn't he like that person? Hearing that the other party also likes him, it should not be such a reaction.

On the contrary, he looks more like... being frightened.

...Doesn't he actually like the other party? Was the last statement was just a lie to himself?

Shen Jiayan didn't notice the strangeness of Jiang Mingyue's eyes at all, and he was still immersed in the shock and entanglement of this matter.


In the next few days, Shen Jiayan's whole body was visible withered with a naked eyes, looking listless, and he was distracted from time to time.

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