Chapter 11

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Enjoy Guys!


Right now, sitting at the breakfast table, with all of my family surrounding me, I realize that there is no other place that could give me the comfort and security that this place provides. I looked around the table to see that Dadu was whining to Maa and Dadi about how he was not allowed to eat sweets. It honestly amazes me to see that a man like Dadu whose presence commands respect as soon as he enters a room is whining to his daughter-in-law and wife.

I accidentally let out a giggle at his antics. Dadu turns to look towards me and says in mock anger, "How dare you laugh at me! Aren't you scared little Miss. Agnihotri?" I just shake my head in response to his question and say, "Come on Dadu! I am your precious and only granddaughter, aren't I? I am sure that I don't need to be afraid of you." It honestly surprised me that I was talking so freely with this man, whom I call Dadu. Even though he hasn't treated me harshly yet, I still remember my first meeting with him. His aura gives out powerful vibes that warn everybody not to mess with him. He might have gotten old but he can still make you tremble with fear.

"Of course, you don't need to be afraid of me princess, but I have a reputation to maintain. You can't go around giggling at my antics." Dadu's playful voice brought me out of my thoughts. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts and then looked towards Darsh Bhai. I had decided to give him a nickname. After all, he deserved it. I would no doubt agree that he is the closest person to me right now in this family.

"What are we going to do today Bhai?"

"Well, that is a surprise, Sunshine. All you need to do is go and get ready into comfortable clothes after breakfast."

I just nodded my head and ate my breakfast quietly. After breakfast, everyone dispersed to their respective rooms to get ready for their day. I went into my room and got ready in comfortable jeans and a shirt. Then I went downstairs and to my surprise, this time Darsh Bhai was already standing there.

"Sorry to make you wait Bhai," I said in an apologetic tone.

"No problem Sunshine." He smiled. Gosh! My brother is such a sweetheart.

"Bhai, did you guys miss me when I was not here?" I asked already knowing the answer. But, after so many days of living with someone who doesn't even care a bit about you, it feels really nice to hear your importance in someone's life. Moreover, I really need some reassurance from time to time to cool down my insecurities.

"You can't even imagine Sunshine, how much I, we missed you. You know, we really wanted a younger sister to love, to spoil but instead, all we got were some nasty brothers. No doubt, I love them. And then you were born. You were so small and so sweet, and all of our brothers including me were fascinated to see you when Dad brought you home. We were so attached to you. But then, Mrs. Aruna Senghal took you away from us. We were so devasted. However, now that you are with us, we will never let you go away. You are our little princess and you will always remain with us."

At the end of his words, I saw a dark glint in his eyes, but I assumed that I must have mistaken it. After all, he was the sweetest of all of my older brothers.

I was overwhelmed with emotions. I never imagined that someone could love me, and want me to such a great extent. I smiled a little feeling content This is exactly what I wanted.

A loving family!

Just then I felt the car coming to a stop. I looked around to see that we were standing outside an amusement park. I felt a rush of excitement engulfing me.

"Wow, Bhai! You really brought me to an amusement park."

"Of course, now let's go. You are really going to enjoy it today."

Darsh Bhai then escorted me out of the car and we went inside. I was surely going to have a lot of fun today.


Right now, we were on our way back. We had a blast today. I enjoyed all the rides and ate a lot of delicacies. I was looking out the window enjoying the peacefulness when my gaze fell on a bakery.

"Stop!" I said a little loudly. Bhai stopped the car abruptly.

"What happened?" He seemed worried so I gave him one of my pretty smiles and said innocently, "Nothing Bhai, just wanted to buy some cupcakes for everyone." He heaved a relieved sigh and then we went to get cupcakes for everyone.

Soon, we reached home and I greeted everyone with hugs. They seemed quite happy to receive them. I also gave a kiss on the cheeks of my little Manyu to make him feel special. It made him really happy to receive a kiss and he went around telling everyone that he received a kiss on the cheeks. Later, he came and whispered in my ears slyly, "I was trying to make them jealous!"

I chuckled in response and wondered how a little innocent-looking boy could make this plan. Well, to say the least, my brother, father, and grandfather did look a little bit jealous and tried to take my attention away from my little bean with their silly antics.

We then decided to watch a movie to spend some quality time together and I sat between Ansh and Nishant Bhaiya. Not long after, I dozed off in a deep slumber. The last thing I felt was someone tucking me into bed, Kissing my forehead and whispering,

"Thanks for having your brother as your favourite actor, pequeno bebê."

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