Chapter 9

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Guys I was about to upload it tomorrow but then decided against it as I will be getting my results tomorrow and I am sure that I won't be in the mental condition to upload any chapter.

Please wish me all the best!

Enjoy reading!

Target for the next chapter- 30 votes and lots of comments.


I looked at the door to see Aadarsh Bhai standing there with a furious expression on his face. Is he angry with me? But I didn't even do anything. Was I not supposed to tell this woman that I was his sister? Oh no! He was so nice to me until now. Looks like he will also start hating just like Mom did.

He shouted, "Go out!" I stood up to leave but he came towards me and hugged me tightly. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Just now he asked me to get out and here he is hugging me. But all my confusion vanished when I saw the woman walking out. He was asking the woman to go out, not me.

He then broke the hug and cupped my face with his large hands. He looked into my eyes and said, "I am really sorry Sunshine that you had to hear all that. But don't even think about anything she said, all right. All she sprouted was just nonsense. You are very precious to me, to us. You don't belong anywhere except with us. You are our princess."

The tears that I had been trying to stop all this while started flowing. His words assured me that he, that they wanted me with them. After all this while, someone wants me, I am precious to someone. Looking at my tears, he wiped them and said, "Don't waste these pearls Sunshine. We don't deserve them."

I hugged him tightly trying to convey all the emotions that I couldn't express in words. He rubbed my back trying to console me. After a while, I broke the hug looked at him, and blurted out childishly, "Why did you leave me? I know now that you love your work more than me." As soon as my mind registered the words I had blurted out, my cheeks turned red. All the emotions must have taken a toll on me that is why, I must have blurted these words.

He chuckled listening to my whine and said, "I am so sorry Sunshine. Let me treat you with an ice cream to make up for that."



"I need two ice creams or forget about getting forgiven." If he really wanted to treat me to ice cream then who was I to deny it? Instead, I will try to take full advantage of the situation.

"All right, you can have two of them. But promise me that you will forgive me after that."

"Okay, I promise."

"Hmm, Let's go." He offered me his hand which I took. We went out of his cabin and again everyone in the hospital like last time started staring at us. I started feeling uncomfortable under their gazes and tried to hide behind Bhai. Seeing me getting uncomfortable, Bhai wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

We reached the car and Bhai opened the door for me. I sat down inside and waited for Bhai to sit. He sat down and we took off. I looked at him and thought back to how he had comforted me. He took my side and protected me. He cleared all the insecurities that I had in my mind. No one had ever done something like that for me before. It was an entirely new experience for me but I was not complaining.

It feels good to be cherished.

Suddenly, the car stopped and I looked out of the window to see that we had stopped in front of a small and cute-looking ice cream parlor named, "Frozen Fancies". Bhai as usual went out of the car, came towards my side, and opened the door for me. He offered me his hands and I took it.

I think I am getting used to this princess treatment.

It scares me how natural all these gestures feel to me. I feel as if this is the life I have always been living in. And I am afraid that one day, they are also going to realize that I don't belong here with them and they will throw me out of their life like I meant nothing to them. I will be left with nothing but a broken heart.

"Ruhi, what flavors do you want?" I am brought out of my thoughts by Bhai's voice and I look towards him. "Umm, can I please have a butterscotch and chocolate?" I mutter shyly still not used to getting my demands fulfilled.

He smiled at me and said warmly, "Of course, whatever you want dear."

He then said to the lady at the counter without an ounce of the warmth he had shown to me just now, "One butterscotch and one chocolate please." He changed his expression so quickly. Well, At least, he had the decency to add, please.

He paid for the ice cream and then we left. We sat in the car where I was quietly enjoying my ice cream. The silence of the car was disturbed by the ringing of the phone. Bhai picked up the phone and put it on speaker. I noticed that it was Hriday Bhai's call.

Suddenly I realised that we had left without informing him. He must be worried.

"Aadarsh, did you guys leave?" Hriday bhai's voice could be heard from the phone. Aadarsh Bhai cast a glance at me once before looking back to the phone and said, "Something came up so we left, I will fill you in later." Hriday Bhai muttered an okay before hanging up the call. Bhai then looked towards me and asked, "Do you enjoy shopping Sunshine?"

Hearing this question, I remembered a memory from when I was 10 years old. It was my birthday and I was very excited because I Mom had promised me that she would take me shopping as I had scored very well in my exams and the teacher had praised me in front of her. I woke up that day and excitedly dressed myself up because I was practically bouncing from excitement. As I reached downstairs, all my excitement vanished seeing Prisha along with Mom sitting there.

Mom noticed me coming downstairs and said, "Ruhanika, actually Prisha's friends are coming home today, so I can't take you shopping. How about I give you the money and you can go and shop whatever you want for yourself?"

She must have forgotten the fact that I was just 10 years old and a kid. Kids can't go shopping alone!

I was annoyed and sad because after a very long time, Mom was going to take me for shopping and it was my birthday today and now I couldn't go with her. I longed to spend some time with her and in my frustration I whined, "But Mom, you promised." Suddenly Prisha sniffled and said, "Look Mom I told you that she would not agree."

Mom for a moment looked conflicted but then hugged Prisha and shouted at me saying, "You are turning into a brat day-by-day Ruhanika. Go to your room. You are not going anywhere!"

My Mom wasn't bad. It is just that she neglected me for her stepdaughter. This incident was just the starting and over the years, Prisha distanced me from my mother by spewing some fake stories.

Suddenly, I came out of my memory lane because the car had stopped and looked out to see that we had reached a mall. I looked questioningly towards Aadarsh Bhai who passed me a soft smile and said, "Dad had asked me to take you for shopping to ensure that you had all the necessary things."

I nodded at him and wondered how this shopping trip would go.

To be continued...

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