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Yul was very much infatuated with Kaho. To a surprising amount. And while Kaho knew that their love was stronger than most, she underestimated at times how strong it actually was. Kaho had been thinking as she looked at Yul's head on her chest. She noticed her eyelashes flicker and realized she was awake. "Yul?" Yul looked up at her. "Hm?" "Well I was wondering... why have I never seen your apartment?" She tilted her head a bit. Yul looked startled for a second. "Hmm well I-i actually don't know." She sat up. Kaho opened her mouth to advise her that she was sitting on her air path but she gave up. "Would you want to? It's nothing special." Yul shrugged. "Yeah. That'd seem fun." Kaho put her hands on Yul's waist. "Only if you don't mind." Yul chuckled a bit. "No I don't mind. Why don't you stay the night today. It's only 2:00 right now so we have some time." She began to get off the bed. "Ooh ok!" Kaho quickly got up and started packing a change of clothes. She was exited beyond belief. She now was wondering why hadn't she seen Yul's home? Come to think of it Yul was always in her house. She practically lived there. She found it odd that they only lived about 2-3 blocks away but she had never once visited. She zipped up her bag and let Yul brush her hair. As she passed her dad's room she opened the door. "Daddy! I'm heading to Yul's for the night. I love you!" She blew him a kiss, hoping that would sedate him. But of course it wasn't enough. No, he bolted up from his bed and rushed over to give her a squeeze. He was already wearing his yellow flower pajamas even though it was only 2 in the afternoon. She hugged him back and kissed him goodbye. On the walk there they held hands. Ka noticed that her girlfriend's hand was a bit clammy. She didn't know if she should ask questions so she just looked ahead.

The apartment smelt eerily familiar. As if she had been here a million times. She quickly realized that this was her sent. Yul's apartment smelled exactly like Kaho. Ka took off her shoes and looked around. The kitchen was clean as was everything else. There was nothing remarkable about it in the slightest. Yul walked ahead and quickly shuffled past the hallway. She tugged at a door, making sure it was locked. Before stepping over to the door beside it and opening it. She went in first. "W-wait a sec it's a mess." She called out from the room. Kaho continued to smell and observe the apartment. There were no pictures of anything. No messes anywhere. No signs of life. When Yul beckoned her over though, she finally saw some. Yul's room matched her gyaru style. Vibrant pink with just as brightly colored furniture. She had cheetah print sheets. Kaho chuckled. 'Cute' she thought. She sat on the bed and heard a what sounded like a piece of paper crumple. She paid it no mind and continued to look around. "Wow. Your room is so different from the rest of your apartment. It's really nice!" She watched as Yul paused before shutting the door. "Thanks! Are you hungry? I have some food. It's not a lot but it's good." She didn't let Ka answer before she darted back into the kitchen. Ka got up and opened her closet. In there were piles upon piles of clothes. She picked up a shirt. It was hers. Not all of the clothes were hers, but a good amount were. Mixed in with them were skimpy shorts and see through shirts. Yul's everyday clothes. She shut the closet and walked over to the desk. One drawer was locked and the other had a nail set and nail glue in it. There was makeup all over her room. She found the remote to the Tv and turned it on. Yul came back with a tray in her hands. They ate and chatted for hours. Finally, Kaho changed into her sleep wear aswell as Yul and they laid down to sleep. They cuddled close.

In the middle of the night Kaho suddenly awoke to a strong need to use the restroom. She shook Yul gently and asked where the bathroom was. Through her tired groans, Ka gathered that it was directly down the hall. She got up and picked up her phone. Flashlight leading the way, she successfully found and used the ladies room. On her way back she stumbled a bit and grabbed the handle of a door. She pulled herself up and looked at the door. It was the one Yul closed earlier, she thought. 'I wonder what's behind here.' She realized the door had opened a bit when she tripped on it. 'Is the lock really that breakable?' She opened the door slowly. She shone her phone flashlight in before anything else but couldn't see much. She pointed it down and walked inside. She was looking at the floor when she saw a piece of paper. She picked it up as another fluttered down. She caught it and looked at both pieces. Pictures. Of her. She pointed the flashlight back up and across the room. The more she looked the more pictures she saw. It was non ending. Every wall was covered head to toe in pictures of her. She stepped further in the room and looked around. A desk, a chair, and a bed. She walked over to the bed. There was a two pillows. One had a funny shape, almost like a human, and the other was at the head of the bed. There was also a bath rag on the weirdly shaped pillow. She could smell the soap on it. It smelt like her soap. She turned to look at the desk and walked over. The drawer wasn't locked so she opened it. Inside were more pictures, a lipstick, and a notebook. The lipstick looked decayed and once she picked up the notebook she figured it was because it was being used as a pen. She read page after page of crazed rants. All involving her. They were somewhat unintelligible. She came across a page speaking of a bath rag and she looked over to the bed. After reading some more she shut it and put it on the desk. She looked behind her and noticed an in-wall closet. She stepped slowly closer and shakily placed her hand on the knob. She opened it swiftly. Inside there was a big shelf. Each cubby had multiple items, all named and labeled. She read a few. "Ka's toothbrush" then a date. "Ka's hair" then a date. "Ka's lollipop stick" then a date. "Ka's grape seed" today's date. She stepped back a bit. She couldn't beleive what she was seeing. She stood in shock before noticing a trash bag in the corner of the closet. She reached for it. "What are you doing." She quickly turned her head. Yul stood in the doorway. "Why are you here?"

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