For You (Pt1)

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Yul didn't think it would ever come to this. Though undoubtedly she knew she would if it had been called for. But she never thought it actually would happen. Yet here she stand with a soggy plastic bag in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other. Indeed. Yul Aeri had killed someone tonight. And she didn't regret it either.

It all started two weeks prior. Kaho and Yul had never been closer. Sharing their body warmth by cuddling had become a favorite. They were in their classroom for lunch when the slider door slowly opened. Kaho looked up from her grapes. Yul found it unusual how normally Kaho wouldn't have even heard the door open over her own picking at of the packed grapes, let alone stop what she was doing to look. She watched Kaho's eyes light up as a girl the same age as them walked in. She was a tall girl. Taller than Kaho. Which while not a tremendous feat, it meant that she towered over Yul, as Yul was shorter than Kaho (only by a bit). She had short, black, bobbed hair that slanted downward from right to left. Her eyes were a dark blue and her mouth was a vibrant red. And most important of all, she was wearing their school uniform. Yul had never seen this girl a day in her life. Who was she? Why was she here? Why was Kaho looking at her like that? "Heejil!" Kaho stood up and rushed over to the girls side and gave her a big hug. 'Heejil'? Yul realized that the name was Korean. What was a Korean student doing in their school? She stood up and met Kaho as she was letting go of the hug. "Kaho! Long time no see my gem." She patted Kaho on the head and smiled. "Kaho?" Yul stepped up with a confused smile on her face. "Who's this?" She kept a cool tone. "Oh! Yul this is Heejil. She was my childhood friends from before kindergarten to 5th grade! We never fully cut contact but she moved back to Korea after 5th and it's been hard meeting. But look! She came back!" Kaho looked very excited and smiled a big smile. Yul tried successfully to seem as happy for her as she could. "Wow! It's so nice to meet you! I'm Yul Aeri. Kaho's girlfriend." She held out her arm for a handshake and felt the gesture being returned. "It's my pleasure. Kaho has told me much over text and call. From what I've heard you guys are madly in love." Despite the smile on Heejil's face Yul could sense the passive aggression emanating from her voice. Yul wasn't afraid to reciprocate the emotion in the blink of an eye need be. But she resigned to play the part of the oblivious girlfriend and scope things out. She wrapped her arms around Kaho's arm and held tightly. "I know! Ka why don't you invite Jil to come to our favorite cafe? It'll be fun! Oh do you mind that nickname 'Jil'?" She smiled innocently and clapped her hands together. Heejil looked down at her arms wrapped around Kaho and narrowed her eyes then simply nodded. "I'd love to! Ah and the nickname is cute. Perhaps I should come up for one for you. Hmm I'll have to think hard." She bent down a bit when talking to Yul. Yul didn't like it. Kaho finally spoke up "Then it's settled! We'll go this Friday after school." She put her hand on top of Yul's.

After class, Yul stay infront of the mirror of the school restroom, pondering and analyzing. She was pondering in what aspect did she beat Heejil in. What was she better at in then Heejil. She was analyzing herself. Did she look good enough to stand by Kaho's side? What if Heejil being back made Kaho realize how easy it was to deal with someone else instead of Yul. What if Heejil replaced her? She wouldn't let that happen. She wouldn't. She kept repeating it in her head until she was disrupted by the sound of someone entering the bathroom. She quickly steadied herself and began fixing her hair. She pondered lightly if she should go blonde. She figured it would be a good contrast to her tan skin. That was when she saw Heejil staring at her. Heejil was the one who walked in. "Oh! Jil! You scared me. Do you need something?" She maintained her composure. "You're not as stupid as you're letting on." Heejil stepped closer. "Huh I don't-" "don't play dumb. You think just because you filled in the years I was away you can replace me?" She let out a chuckle. "Replaced you? Wouldn't you be the one replacing me? I mean I think it's safe to say that I have had more of an impact on Kaho's life than you ever did. I mean you knew her when she was a baby. She probably hardly remembers anything you guys did." Yul let up the act and narrowed her eyes on Heejil. "Don't get all cocky. I know your kind. You pretend to act all sweet and then you go and ruin someone like Kaho's life. I won't-" Heejil was cut off by a loud sudden gush of laughter from Yul. She stopped and stared at Heejil. "Is that what you think? You think you got it all figured out? Ha! Think again Ms. psychoanalyst. Unlike you, I'd do anything for Kaho. I'm willing to do anything it takes to keep us together. All I want is Kaho to be happily by my side to the end of time." She put her hand on Heejil's shoulder and looked directly into her eyes. "And I'll stop at nothing to keep it that way. Even if it means getting rid of you." She smiled and patted Heejil's back as she exited the restroom.

Outside of the school on a bench she found Kaho with her notebook open on her lap. She walked up behind her and covered her eyes. "Guess who!" Kaho looked up over the hands and smiled. "Hi Yul!" She planted a kiss on her cheek and looked back down to her notes. "I think I'm missing some notes. Do you have yours? Could I maybe borrow them?" She looked sheepishly at the distance. Yul giggled "Are you missing notes because you were sleeping in class? I shouldn't reward that behavior. But alas," Yul handed Kaho her notebook and hugged her from behind. "Anything for you..."

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