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Though Kaho didn't have much experience dealing with the subject of love, she knew she loved Yul very much and tried to show it whenever she could. She realized Yul had grown a fondness of sitting on her lap. While she didn't mind it in the slightest, she wondered how Yul had suddenly started to forget to button her shirt, forcing her to do it for her. Kaho had never been in a relationship before so everything was a first for her and today was her first Saturday with a girlfriend. She hadn't even opened her eyes when she felt a new warmth beside her. Feeling around she made out the shape of the figure and her eyes shot open. "Y-Yul!" She watched as the girl opened her eyes as well and sheepishly smiled. "Sorry! You just looked so cozy. I wanted to feel your warmth." Yul began to get up when she felt a pull on her wrist. "No, it's fine. I- I was just surprised is all." Kaho looked everywhere but at Yul. Yul laid back in the bed and stared at Kaho. Normally one would feel off put by the prolonged eye contact but Ka just simply stared too. She had her same, thoughtless expression on her face. She wrapped her arms around Yul and closed her eyes.

Yul Aeri had lots of admirers. People who saw nothing but a pair of tan curves and thought she was an easy target. But Yul never paid them any mind. And besides, why would she care about some stupid greasy man when her beloved girl was right where she wanted. And now they were enjoying a Saturday walk together while eating fruits (mostly grapes for Kaho). Yul felt a tap on her shoulder and whipped her head around. "Hi Yul!" It was a man. Yul tried hard to remember and squinted desperately. Nothing. "Uh who are you?" She finally spoke up. "Oh you don't know me. But I know you. Is this Kaho?" The stranger suddenly shifted focus and began inspecting the taller girl. "Oh hi" Kaho gave a simple greeting and popped another grape in her mouth. Yul clenched her fist. Who was this guy? Why did he come up to them? Why did he know Kaho? "What do you want? Why did you just randomly approach us?" Yul stepped infront of Kaho to prevent further analysis. "Oh well that's simple really. I want you Yul. I know all about you from your socials. I even know about Kaho here. I guess this is my competition huh?" The man chuckled. Yul looked dumbfounded. Was this guy crazy? Was he stalking her? Competition? Too many questions. "Hey. I don't think we want to talk. Please leave." This time it was Kaho speaking. She grabbed the guys shoulder and looked at him with a disgusted look on her face. His grin subsided and his posture became slouched he looked at Yul, as if expecting some kind of defense, before giving up and leaving. "What a creep" Kaho opened Yul's purse and rummaged around before finding the last baggy of grapes. Meanwhile Yul's mind raced. She was sure that if she even made eye contact with the other girl in that moment she would have given in to every thought shouting at her in her head at the moment. She reclaimed her position on Kaho's arm and tried to keep a steady pace. It was moments like these that she was thankful for Kaho's air headedness. She wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment of having to explain that she was going crazy at the simple act of being protected by Kaho.

Yul walked into her apartment and threw her keys on the side table. She walked to her room and pushed open the heavy door. On the walls were hundreds of candid photos of Kaho. There was no white space left in the room as all the paint was covered by pictures. She had lived alone since she was 14. She never knew her parents or anything close to them. She attended school like any normal kid but when she got home only a hateful "caregiver" waited for her. "Caregivers" is what her agency called them. Their only purpose was to make sure the kid they were to watch over didn't die. The second Yul saved up enough for a small one room apartment, she was on her own. It was hard for Yul in middle school as she didn't have even a single friend. It wasn't that she was bullied, she just didn't have any. Yul didn't feel the same way other people did. She had no empathy for others and the kids could sense that. All except one. Kaho Nire entered the picture when she was 12. She entered the class the same as any other student did but she wasn't the same as any other student. She was a recluse. It was easy to tell from just looking at her. Scruffy hair, tomboyish but she had a soft face. She sat in the very back of the class and stared out the window. Though it's hard to pinpoint what exactly started Yul's infatuation with her, one leading reason may be how oblivious Kaho was. The day they got paired to do a project together was the day they had ever first formally talked. Yul tried to keep a steady conversation but it was hard to with a girl who just stared back. After a resigned sigh and a solid 2 minutes of silence, Yul gave up hope when Kaho finally peeped up. "I like your voice. And your face." Kaho tilted her head slightly. Yul looked up with a shocked face. She expected further flirtation before she realized that Kaho had been genuine. How could she say that without being embarrassed? From that day forward they would chat and joke around. Along the lines, Yul's love grew. Her love grew more and more twisted as time went on. And her no understanding of empathy continued. Now she was willing to kill for Kaho. If it came down to it.

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