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Kaho paced her room. It didn't make sense to her at all. Why did she find it so hot that Yul had murdered someone on her behalf? That didn't seem like a very normal thing. Her girlfriend was a murderer. And despite this well known fact, Kaho still loved her fully. She shook her head. It didn't matter anymore. She pulled on her bag and ran down the stairs. Yul was in the kitchen packing the last bits of lunch. "I'm ready." They both slipped out the house and began their walk to school. The day started off well. Though it wouldn't end that way.

During 3rd period, Kaho had spent the whole time looking out the window per usual. She tuned to look out the classroom door when she realized her classmate staring at her. Michio Hana. "That guy again?" She thought to herself as he turned away. She remembered when Yul defended her from him and smiled. She hadn't realized it before but Yul really did save her a lot. At least that's how she saw it.  At study hall (free period) she was bent over the cabinet, rummaging through papers. When she heard a snicker from behind her. She felt a tug on her shoulder and was quickly spun around to see Yul with an angry look on her face. She could tell the anger wasn't directed towards her though and she followed her girlfriend's eyes to the same boy who had been ogling her during class. Yul looked back at her and smiled slightly. "What did you need from the cabinet? I'll get it." She took Kaho's place infront of the cabinet and started looking for the desired materials. Kaho wondered why she was so adamant but let it go once she had retrieved the stuff. They sat together creating a poster board for the school fair and talked. But in the corner of her eye the whole time, Yul saw Michio's glare, directed at her.

Michio Hana, formerly introduced, was a semi popular boy. He had a pretty face and a girly name. He seemed popular enough to have about any girl in the school. But he had his sights trained on Kaho. While she was exceptionally beautiful (though he found her friend to be more of a looker) and kind, that wasn't what he liked about her. He liked how stupid she was. While she did okay academically, he was one of the few people who knew she wasn't very socially smart. Easily manipulated. That was his goal. "How cool would it be to have a girlfriend who just does whatever you want." That was his mindset. Though his first attempt of getting in her good graces made her hate him that much more, he wasn't giving up.  There was just one problem, Yul Aeri. At first he thought they were merely friends but he had realized, much like every other student, they were much more than that. And she was in his way. Little did he know he was just as much as a nuisance to her. Yul had gotten a letter in her locker, telling her to go to the 3rd floor girls bathroom and that was where she currently was. She heard the door open and shut and she looked up from her phone. "What the hell!?" She looked astonished at who was before her. Michio rolled his eyes. "What are you doing in here perv. This is-" "i know this is the girls bathroom" he cut her off. "Listen I'll get right to it" he smirked "how much for you to leave Kaho alone. I've had my eye on her for a bit and you're a bit in my way." He tilted his head. Yul looked at him with a straight face. She stepped closer. She looked at her hand for a bit, as if she was checking her nails, then THUD. Michio fell back and gasped. "YOU BITCH. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" He panted as he crawled away from her. "How dare you waste my time with such a stupid question!" She looked to her side and saw a bathroom sign. She quickly picked it up. "I knew you were just some lowlife pervert!" She hurled it at him and it struck him dead on the head. "Speaking of pervert, why don't I report you for being in the girls bathroom!" She opened her mouth to scream. "WAIT! S-stop! I'm sorry ok? I-I'll leave!" He scrambled to get on his feet and run away. Yul clenched her fist. He ran down the hall and wiped the blood from his nose. His face was red with anger. He knew that now he wanted Kaho even more. Not even for his earlier purpose. He wanted Kaho so he could get back at Yul.

Kaho stood under the staircase. She was in the Right wing corridor. She had been approached by a classmate earlier who had told her that someone was going to meet her here. But soon it would mark her 20 minutes spent there and she was about to leave when suddenly someone turned the corner. It was her boy classmate, Michio. He waved enthusiastically and smiled. She looked away. "Hey Nire! Sorry I'm a bit late!" His smile turned sheepish. "What do you want with me?" She said bluntly. He grimaced but kept an awkward smile. "Oh I just feel we got off the wrong foot! I just want to explain myself and clear the air. Really I mean no harm." As he stepped closer Kaho stepped back. Before long she realized she was cornered. "I-it's fine I don't care that much. Can I go now. My girlfriend is probably looking for me." She looked down. When she looked up she saw he had her pinned to the wall and he was inching closer to her face. She froze in fear for a few seconds before finally pushing him hard. "W-what is your problem?!" She panted. He simply shook his head and sighed. "Why are you making this difficult?" He began walking towards her again. She heard a sound and looked past him. He saw where her eyes were and followed them to look behind him. Yul. He couldn't see her face or the expression she was making and her body looked tense as she stood there. She slightly raised her head and the light hit her features. She was smiling. It was a creepy smile. One that gave him goosebumps. He opened his mouth to explain but before even a sound escaped he found himself under her. Fighting. It was much less fighting as it was him trying to claw his way out of her grasp. "You've made my job easy for me haven't you? A staircase. With no cameras? Haa it really does excite me." She grabbed and pulled at his skin. Kaho plastered herself against the wall and watched the whole ordeal. Yul wasn't going to stop. Not until the light left his eyes. And eventually it did.

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