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Michio struggled hard to escape. He was watching as the girl on top of him lifted her hands up and came crashing down on his face. He had no chance of escape. Yul kept hitting for about a minute after he died. She had blood on her hands. She looked down at them. Kaho stood plastered to the wall. She watched for any sign of movement from Yul. She tried to glimpse at her face but couldn't make out an expression. Soon she heard giggling. Then it grew louder and louder. Until Yul was in a full hysterical laughing fit. Yul looked up at Kaho with a deranged look in her eye. She stood up and stepped over the body before kicking it away. She slowly walked closer to Kaho. She was no longer laughing, only smiling. She finally reached Kaho. It was then that Ka realized she had been holding her breath. She exhaled and let go of the wall just slightly. Yul tilted her head. "Are you scared of me Kaho? Do you see what I've done? Do you think I've made a mess of things?" She reached out. Kaho stuttered. She breathed slowly and shakily. "I did it because I love you. And I'm selfish. I'm so selfish that I made you witness this. I'm sorry Ka." Yul retracted her hand and put her face in her palm. She shook her head. "I-I.." Kaho stumbled forward a bit. "It's ok. I still love you." She grabbed Yul by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug. They stood there hugging for over 5 minutes. Yul was sobbing quietly. Kaho patted her gently. Kaho wasn't planing on ever letting go. Not after this. After all, this is what she had been waiting for.

There were almost no cameras in the Right corridor. Yul and Kaho walked out with no problem and they continued all the way till they got home. Once there, Yul washed off in the shower. Despite their circumstances Kaho still found the time to sputter and babble when Yul walked out the bathroom with nothing on. She shoved clothed into her hands and sat down again. A few minutes later Yul joined her. She was looking down. She finally looked over to Kaho. "Do you not want to be with me anymore?" She played with her fingers. Kaho had a shocked look on her face. "W-what? No I do! I-I love you very much... And I know why you did it." Kaho put her hands over Yul's. The same hands that were covered in blood, she thought. The hands that killed two people. She bit her lip. Why was she getting so exited over something like this. She watched as Yul shifted in the clothes. Kaho wasn't that much more taller than Yul, but she wore baggy clothes. Which in result let to Yul basically swimming in Ka's clothes. She glanced around at Yul. A murderer. 'A murderer is in my clothes. And I'm exited?' She tried to rationalize with herself but in the end couldn't. She reached for the back of Yul's neck and pulled her closer. She held her in a deep kiss for a long while. Yul looked shocked at first but gave in. When they separated Yul looked away. "Why? I've just killed another person. And I don't even care that they died." She clenched the sheet. Kaho was fully in a daze now. She wasn't even realizing what she about to say. "Because I love you. And because..." She inched closer. "Watching you kill him... really turned me on." She realized the last part had come out of her mouth and quickly came to her senses. She opened her mouth to speak but before she could talk, Yul was already on her again. They stayed together all night. Most of the work was done by Yul. Later, Kaho would wonder how she had all that stamina after attacking someone. But it really didn't matter to her. All that mattered was Yul. And to Yul, all that mattered was Kaho.

Michio had been reported as missing a week ago. No one had found his body. They had done a good job at concealing it. Every time Michio's name was brought up, Yul and Kaho would find some time to be alone. They knew it was wrong. But they didn't care. Kaho soon came to realize that Yul felt no remorse. And while she herself did feel bad at some times, she loved their time together more than anything in the world. Though on the back of her mind, her anxiety grew. 'What if we're caught? What if Yul goes to jail? What if I never see her again?' She knew it was a possibility. Yul tried reassurance but she had a feeling the thought would stay. But it left her conflicted. On one hand she knew that she did not want any unnecessary time away from Kaho. On the other, she knew that Michio would not be the last time she killed.

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