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" Chibuikem is a cultist! " I blurted out sharply.

" I know, Winner-"

" So, is there anything too much or too hard for me to know. what else do I need to know. I mean my. Cousin... is a Cul-"

" Shut up and listen! " She shouted at me.

I immediately kept quiet. I was shocked by her sudden outburst.

" I'm sorry about that. You just need to have some respect for your seniors. If not for the ... it not that you're related to Chibuikem we wouldn't have crossed part! do you think I'm your mate? "

" Um.. no ma. Sorry. " Rebecca apologized for me.

" Winner. Follow me. "

I shook my head but she reached out to me and pulled me forcefully with her hands. She then held my hand like I was her little sister and we heading to the Class door.

"Please don't follow us." She said to Rebecca.

"Okay." Rebecca said and sat down quietly on my table.

"please watch my bag for me Rebecca." I said as I left with Asake.

"Look, your Cousin, Chibuikem.. and I have been friends since Junior Secondary School. I've know him for that long and he has suffered a lot in this School. "

" Like? "

" Bully.. He was brutally bullied. He was forced to do a lot of things.. things they.. I really don't like talking about it. "

" Okay. "

  She held my right hand and comforted me. I didn't see anybody walking around. The children in the class room were playing and running around happily. We were in one of the primary School classes. In the Primary one class. It was surprisingly how we sat comfortable in the small chairs.

"Winner. Your Cousin would be fine. He doesn't smoke or drink. I'm sorry for shouting at you ."

"Okay. why did you choose this place for our discussion?"

"Oh well, this was my primary School and I thou it would be the best place for us to discuss without get too much Attention. that's Mrs. Salaudeen the Class teacher." She pointed at a Middle aged woman dressed in an hijab from head to toe. The only visible part of her body was her small round face.

" Did she teach you ? "

" Yes, but not in primary one, She taught us in primary Six. "

" us? "

" Yes. I and Chibuikem. "

" oh! I never knew -"

" He only attended primary Six here. So relax. "

" hnmm... you must have been through a lot. "

" How? " She asked puzzled.

" Yes, I mean, imagine cutting your hair for almost twelve years! "

" oh!" she said as she rubbed  her bald scalp with her hands as if she had forgotten for a moment that she was on low cut.

" Well, I didn't cut my hair for that long. I mean, we started cutting our hair when I was in.. hnmmm... oh yes primary five. "

" Wow! " I stared at her. I was so shocked.

" Oh yes. You thought we just, no now.. no... no.. no... Even at that, there was a lot of protests from parents but they all dropped the idea when they realized that their daughters would still have to cut their hair for six years or more in the Secondary Session. "

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