CHAPTER TWELVE: Second Term Begins.

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    I heaved  a sigh of nervousness the moment I walked into the School premises 'oh! God! how I wish the holiday didn't end.'

   For the very first time in my life, I wasn't happy to be in School. I just wasn't happy to be back here. After all the fun  I had in the last Christmas holiday, during the holiday, I completely forget about Osa community Secondary School.

     Guess what! I plaited my hair. I know right? it's surprising. My decided that since she is a hairdresser, she would not allow her first daughter to walk around on Christmas day on low cut, looking like an abandoned child, while she and my Sisters dress their hair like royalties. Beautifully for me, I didn't cut my hair after the while assembly drama with Mrs. Ibitoroko and oh! 'iya elekpe' too. I mean after Chubuikem took me to the barbing saloon to get the proper hair cut, I never cut my hair again after that, hence, it was a tiny bit full and long for my mum to braid. I felt so good. I felt like I've left the stupid world of girls cutting their hair to get something that's rightfully theirs! I mean it's a free world after all, Right?

    I went to church on Christmas day with my mum, Dad and Sisters. I really enjoyed self in church and the most glorious part was that I was basking in the attention and shock I got form my friends and aquintance when they saw my braided hair.

    Now, I'm just walking into my class room and wondering if I hadn't been here for the past one hundred years. It looks so dirty and dusty and choked up, more thank usual. I also noticed that, the students in the School premises were very few in number, I could actually count them. I couldn't stand it anymore so, I just walked out of the class room. Thankfully the library was open so, I walked in joyfully and was shocked to see that there wasn't much difference from the library and my class room. The library was also very dusty and choked up, maybe because of the books or the shut windows but a felt a very strong Claustrophobia when I walked in, so I had to leave the library to.

     This time, I headed downstairs to the food vendor and the Senior session to buy something to eat during break. This is one of the 'life hack', I learnt from Chibuikem " If you can't face the crowd, them beat the crowd, when you come to school in the morning, buy your snacks or food and keep it it your bag, so during break you won't have to bother about going downstairs and squeezing yourself in the crowd. " He said . Thinking of him, he just walked into the School compound. I squeaked and ran to him like I haven't seen him for years even though My mum and my Sisters were at his place on Christmas day." Chibuikem ! Chubuikem!" I hugged him happily. " Winner , how are you, why are you outside?"

    I just smiled at him, I was so happy to have him around because I knew I wasn't alone, with him on my side. "Every where is so messed up Chibuikem! I can't stand it."

  " Wow, look at you aje-bota( sisi), who do you expect to sweep and clean your class for you before you leave the School for the holidays? your class teacher? you are not serious? you better go and clean it now, with the students in the class , so you don't get punished. " He said while , walking away from me. I looked at him in surprise and concern. Did I smell right? or is there anything wrong with my nose? I thought I perceived the smell of alcohol oozing from his mouth. Did he drink? no that isn't possible, maybe it's all in my head. I ran after him , and caught up with him just before he claimed the stairs to his class room. " Um Chibuikem, are you okay?" I asked him when he refused to stop even after seeing me behind him. " Chibuikem, are you angry?" I asked again, when he refused to answer me. By this time, he had already gotten to the front of the admins office,he turned to look at me and said" Look, mind your business, even if I took a sip of alcohol, it's none of your business. Even the Bible says drink, but don't get drunk. "  While he was saying this , the pretty dark girl that I assumed left the slap mark on his face the other day, last term, was walking towards us , she stopped when she hear the statement from Chibuikem. I also noticed how Chubuikem was loud and ostentatious when he said those things to me , it was as if he knew that she was listening. ' hnmmm, something seems odd' I thought while staring at him and the pretty dark girl.

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