Chapter 20

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Did I fall out of line when I called you?

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Did I fall out of line when I called you?

When I told you "I'm fine", you were lied to

How could I think that all that I gave you was enough?

'Cause every time I get too close, I just go mess it up

~ Mess It Up (Gracie Abrams)


My turn was over and my parents had hugged, shed a few happy tears and congratulated me on my success in the school. I felt very happy...but the thought of Seora kept me waiting outside the principal's office.

I clutched the bouquet of pink and white peonies in my hand, running a hand through my hair. God...were confessions always this nerve - wracking?!

I saw her walk inside from afar. She was the last one in line, so I stood outside waiting for her. I plugged my earphones into my ears but got bored in about twenty minutes. What was taking her that long? I took them out. Surprisingly, I could faintly hear whatever they spoke.

I could hear Miss Choi raise her voice, whatever made her that angry?

My ears heard the words sneaking out and inappropriate. I also heard the word shame from another voice. A deep voice, I couldn't make out who's it was.

Another bout of shouting but I heard Seora's voice was all jittery. Was she scared... or crying? I couldn't know.

I heard the words, "Lying and Friends." Then she was shouting "nothing". After that, there was silence.

My breath hitched as I heard the door swing open and I stood as far from the cabin as I could, trying to appear nonchalant.

" you're here Mr. Lee. Good for us, please come inside."

"What happened miss?" I asked, glancing at Seora who looked pale as a ghost. Her lips were trembling. Her eyes were trying their best to speak her thoughts.

"Mr. Lee, this is Seora's mother. And this is her father."

Mr. and Mrs. Hwang stepped in front of me with a strange glint in their eyes.

"Congratulations on ranking first Lee Heeseung." Mr. Hwang said, as I shook his hand, feeling very dazed.

"Thank you sir."

"Would you mind explaining why you have been distracting our daughter these past weeks?" Her mom cutted in, catching me by surprise.

"I beg your pardon Mrs. Hwang but I haven't done any-"

"Miss Choi, both of them are such liars."

The principal stared at me disapprovingly before standing up,

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