17. 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺

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"Come on, now. Make something." Rarity encouraged, directing to the rest of the tiny doodads and what-nots from the pile. Filch looked around, her optics darting from one shiny object to another. Slowly, almost hesitantly, she began to pick up each item, examining them with curiosity. Bit by bit, she carefully selected pieces from her treasure, stringing them together to form a long, intricate chain.

Rarity watched patiently as the Decepticon worked, her deft talons surprisingly delicate in their movements, "Would you look at that. It's pretty lovely! You can design so much with these little things." an idea sparked in her mind and she tapped her chin thoughtfully, "Oh! Let me add something else, may I have one of these-" as she reached for the clasps, the Crowcon instinctively pulled them closer to herself.

The girl placed her servos on her hips, "It appears someone doesn't like to share. Do not worry, darling. I'm not going to take them from you. I just need a final touch." she extended her servo gently.

Filch hesitated, her gaze uncertain. She glanced at the items and back to her, then, after a brief tense minute, she finally decided to hand them to her, "Why, thank you." Rarity said with a gracious smile. She quickly turned her attention back to the decorated chain, attaching the two clasps at both ends with practiced ease, "Aaaand... ta-daa!" she lifted the finished necklace for Filch to examine, "What do you think? Do you like it?"

"Shiny!" Filch beamed in satisfaction, her optics lighting up as she took the necklace in her claws to observe it up close.

"I'll take that as a yes." Rarity chuckled, feeling a small sense of accomplishment. Abruptly, they heard noises coming from above, breaking the silence, "...What was that?" she asked and looked up.

The Decepticon transformed swiftly, her instincts kicking in. Without hesitation, she flew to the surface, the newly crafted necklace still clutched in her claws, "Wait- don't leave me here!" she shouted but the massive crow disappeared into the sky, leaving her alone, "Just splendid." she muttered and glanced to the dimly lit chamber.

Outside the Corvicon's hideout, the Jackhammer descended from the sky, its engines roaring as it maneuvered through the dense foliage. The sleek Autobot ship touched down with a soft thud, its landing gear sinking slightly into the soft earth. The hatch opened with a hiss and Wheeljack was the first to step out, "We're right on target." he said, nodding to the rest of the team as they disembarked.

"She must be here somewhere." Twilight added, "We need to hurry-"

"Hold on, we have to be careful." Strongarm cautioned, putting her arm out to stop the purple femme, "If we alert Filch, she might harm Rarity."

The three youngsters stepped out of the aircraft as well. Sweetie Belle, clutching her hands nervously, looked up at the towering robots with worry etched across her face, "Will my sister be okay?"

"She's going to be, kiddo." Bulkhead replied as he gently ruffled her hair with his massive digit, "We'll bring her back safe and sound."

As they moved through the dense foliage, the group maintained a vigilant lookout. Suddenly, Apple Bloom noticed a large shadow moving across the ground. She looked up, her eyes widening in alarm, "Uh, hey fellas? What's that big thing in the sky?"

Each one of them followed her gaze to where she was pointing. Right above them, the large silhouette of the flying Crowcon appeared against the bright sky, casting a long, menacing shade over the group. The creature's fierce glare glinted with malice as it locked onto them, letting out a bone-chilling, threatening caw that echoed through the forest.

"Filch!" Knock Out alerted and drew out his weapon. The others quickly followed suit, their expressions turning grim and focused. Twilight and Applejack immediately positioned themselves in front of the children, forming a protective barrier.

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