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Mira Rohan was confused.

Perched in the passenger seat of Rhodey's car, she continued to stare out at the passing buildings as they continued to drive toward Midtown where the bus would be waiting to take her and the rest of the Decathlon team to Washington. She just couldn't stop thinking about all of the information Nora had supplied her with last night. When she had finally forced herself to drink the herbs to try and soothe the migraine that hit her brain like a bomb, it had been almost three in the morning and she had freaked out when Nora revealed that her wife Penny had called her baseball coach, lying to him, and pretending to be her mom.

Given that Rhodey's painkillers were so strong he had been too unconscious to notice that she never returned home, no one had been worried about her.

Yet, when Penny arrived, she stopped stressing as much when she spotted the nurse's uniform and kind reassuring smile.

Mira still didn't trust Nora or Penny, but it didn't mean the information she had been given wasn't taunting her brain.

It was a lot.

Everything Nora had revealed weighed heavily on her shoulders, leaving her uncertain about what path to follow next. Nora had made it crystal clear that this High Council were extremely dangerous, all Renterians were. Hell, despite how tiny their species was in terms of numbers, Renterians were still one of the most powerful creatures in most galaxies. It was terrifying to think about. The fact that the High Council who were probably made up out of the oldest and most powerful members of the species already knew about her and were intrigued by her abilities, freaked the hell out of her. Just thinking about the High Council had fear pounding through every atom in her body.

Nora had so much information she needed, but she was Renterian. Even if she claimed to hate her own species, Mira couldn't trust it. Her father had only been alive for two centuries and his upbringing had completely morphed his mind, how was Nora not even more entrapped within the culture give she was over double his age? Almost five hundred years old, four of those centuries spent on Renterion, so why was one century on Earth enough to force the mirrors to crack?

Was it even possible for her to beat another Renterian in a fight?

Her ability for battle was far beyond her father's yet he had still completely decimated upon her, almost killing her during their fight. Nora claimed she could teach her how to win in a fight against an older Renterian but the bubble of fear inside of Mira refused to truly believe it was possible. One day, a member of the High Council would come for her if what Nora said was true about their interest in her ability of subatomic manipulation. She would never be left alone because they saw her as useful...yet she hadn't been able to beat her father. He had been stronger and older, the members of the High Council according to Nora were centuries older than Marcus Rohan, meaning that they would crush her.

"You should listen to her Mira."

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