20: Jaune the Ultimate Lifeform 1

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Ironwood was screaming as the Arc Family was trying to skin him alive

Sienna and Ilia joined in for the sake of the artificial Faunus

The Beacon Teams were held back by their respective parents

Ruby: what is this universe named, Spectre?

Spectre: it is called Jaune the Ultimate Lifeform.

Weiss: ultimate lifeform? Why is he called that?

Spectre: in response to Salem and her ever growing threat of her Grimm army. Ironwood opted to use the Relic of Creation to make the Best Answer to the ever growing Grimm problem.

Ozpin began chasing ironwood with his cane that Spectre allowed him to use

Glynda's Semblance was allowed to catch Ironwood as he screams for mercy but only screams of bloody murder was his only answer

( the rest I will let you imagine it for yourself as you decide how he is punished )

Salem: Spectre, you say he is a product of the Relic of Creation?

Spectre: yes and spoilers you cant do it in your universe Oum has deemed it so.

Salem: ( well there goes my plan on making more grand babies. *sigh* I still have Jaune and Saphron and....Adrian.)

I'll just have to spoil Jaune when I meet him.

She whispers

When the crumpled heap known as Ironwood falls to the ground

Glynda: so why was he called the ultimate lifeform?

Spectre: to answer your questions let's start this world.


18 years ago

Ironwood: we were so guarded about people taking the relic we never thought about using it.

Winter: but sir, why didn't you notify Ozpin of this plan?

Ironwood: Ozpin won't go the extra mile to win, we need an advantage and we're gonna get it.

Had the shipment from your father arrived?

Ozpin: that's because I may be desperate, but I will not cross a line that will make me no better than Salem.

Salem just grumbles but accepts it her Grimm nature override her senses that ended then lives of 3 of her children

The rest of the circle became a bit more apprehensive of Ironwood but remembered this is an alternate universe rather than a possible future and decided to not judge him as such

Winter: yes the purest grade dust of every kind has arrived. But why do we need it sir?

Ironwood: we need the materials to create the ultimate being, as per Pietro's advice.

Has the DNA samples been secured?

Winter: yes it's on it's way here, but why the Arcs DNA?


As they once again beat the shit out of the General

While Terra just glares holding to an angry Adrian who had his arms crossed

Ironwood: they have the longest history of warfare and their legend of giving birth to master tacticians is a plus. We need all the qualities of a soldier.

Weiss: I never heard of that.

John: of course you don't we didn't need to publicize our victories or name. We didn't join the war for fame, we joined to end it quickly so no more people have to mourn.

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