12: Roughnecks

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Spectre: we need some people to join us.

He snaps again as Three People get teleported into the Theatre

It was Whitley, Klein and Pietro Polendina

Penny: Father!!!!

She rushes and jumps into him

Pietro was surprised she wasn't heavy or cold and she jumped not flown

Pietro: Penny!? You seem different.

Penny: I'm a real girl Father!

She shows herself off and took his hand and let the warmth of her skin confirm it

Pietro teared up and grab both her cheeks

Pietro: how? How!?

Penny: it's because of Spectre here.

She presents Spectre who was drinking a Soda

Pietro: but how!?

Penny: he's a guardian of the universe! He can change things in our universe!

Spectre: *ahem* Multiverse.

Pietro: the Multiverse is REAL!?

Spectre: oh! I almost forgot!

He snaps his fingers as Pietro glowed as his chair disappears and he was sent to one of the seats

Spectre: alright Mr. Polendina, try standing now.

Pietro: but.....

Spectre: just do it please.

He sighs and tries and to his surprise he was able to move his leg

He then stood up and he started crying some more

Watts: che.

Then a Hammer smashed into him sending him into the wall surprising the Audience

Hazel: you KILLED HIM!

Spectre: hold on to your jockstraps.

He snaps his fingers as Watts healed but was still knocked out

Spectre: anything Unruly or Over the Line will be PUNISHED.

The Bad Guys Gulped but Salem paid no heed as she has been wounded so many times during her immortality that nothing surprises her anymore

Pietro walked then ran and then he danced with his daughter celebrating

The rest of the good guys just smiled at the scene

Then the other guests spoke up

Klein: good heavens! Where are we!?

Willow: Klein! Whitley!

Whitley: ugh what happened I was sleeping and....Hi Mother.

He noticed his sisters and he got tense

Whitley: good day Sisters Winter and Weiss.

Yang: aww such a polite boy.

Weiss: he's a brown noser.

Whitley: that is no way to speak about your poor little brother. I haven't done anything to you dear sister.

Weiss: yet.

Spectre: alright everyone settle down I'll catch the new arrivals up to speed.

He explains why they are there and what they will be doing

Whitley: hummm well it was getting dreadfully boring at home so this is interesting.

Klein: come Master Whitley let's join your family.

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