10: Jaune the Dark Slayer 1

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Yang: is there gonna be action here?

Weiss: really Yang is that all you think about?

Yang: no, sometimes I think about food.

The rest of team RWB just facepalmed

The scene transitioned to a village

An unknown Village was shown

He came to a profound sight as many villagers surround one woman with animal parts

Villager 1: leave you freak!!!

Villager 2: your mother is a whore for accepting a human!

Villager 3: your nothing but an abomination!!!

Villager 4: maybe we should just burn her for the monstrosity she is.

Adam was now shaking wildly on his seat again

Ilia: racists.

Ghira just sighs at the scene


Villager 5: maybe we should have fun first.

Emerald: scum bags.

Mercury: sheesh what crawled up your butt?

Emerald: shut it.

The Grimm Humanoid heard this decided to act

He leapt and fell in between them as he grew a blade into his hand made if bone

He stares at the humans and Faunus with his red glowing eyes

Villager 1: a Grimm!?

Villager 2: it looks like a man!

Villager 3: kill it!!!

The Grimm charged them and fought them studying how they fought he learned rapidly

It seems the Grimm's will to win further enhances their battle prowess

Watts: what an interesting ability.

Hazel: what are you thinking?

Ironwood glares at the man

Elm: Man that was intense!

Vine: you just want to fight him.

Elm: No way! I'd be toast for sure!

Marrow: ( you looked like burnt toast already after your tan.)

( I found some art that Elm has slightly lighter palms and soles )

He looked to the woman as she cowers before him

???: Please don't fear, I mean you no harm.

Woman: you killed them.... To save me?

???: I am still learning from people trying to understand you. Because I wish to live among you.

Woman: but your a Grimm.

???: Yes but that doesn't mean I'm mindless like those who still can't evolve beyond it.

Ozpin: now that's an interesting thought. He deviated from the path that the Brother of Darkness set.

Glynda: can that be possible?

Spectre: a wise man once said. Anything is possible.

Ghira: wise indeed.

Woman: do you have a name?

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