6: Mother Hen

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The screen comes to life as a narration began spinning his story

Narrator: it is said that you really don't know someone until you have spent the time to understand them.

Ozpin: it doesn't get any truer than that.

Spectre: then you are a very complicated man due to your century long life.

Ozpin smiled sadly

Salem: well he's not the only one.

Spectre: of course.

Qrow: I wonder what this story is about.

Then a Raven flew across the screen

She was flying through a forest and saw a young boy in the middle of it

It landed on a branch and observed the boy

Then the scene shifted to a little boy with Fox ears near a fire

Saphron: wait a minute that's Jaune!

Terra looks closely and saw him clearly it was indeed Jaune Arc

Cath: I guess he's a different faunus here.

John: why is he alone in the woods?

Spectre: your versions here made an even bigger mistake than the others.

Hearing a noise from behind him to see a young Beowulf looking at him

Jaune drew a simple sword but sharp enough to cleave Grimm

Elm: damn he has a mean swing.

Marrow: he needs to run since Grimm tend to be attracted to conflict as well.

Vine: if he does he will spend that energy on a 50/50 chance of getting away or finding a hiding place.

Ruby: wait where's Crocea Mors?

Spectre: he left it behind, since he felt he was nothing but a liability to the family.

John: why would he think that?

Spectre: besides being a half breed, you kept him out of society. Protecting him from the outside world.

Because of that he felt so useless that he can't even live in the world. He left trying to find purpose.

Raven: good mentality but the action he took is really dangerous.

Yang: okay, hold up I thought you were the type to say the strong live and the weak die!?

Raven: these worlds have shown me otherwise. And I'm slowly come to grips on my own problems. How and when I will deal with them it's up to me.

Yang was just stunned quiet along with Qrow and Tai had their jaws drop on the floor

Summer was smiling finally seeing her elder sister in all but blood finally cleaning up herself

The bad guys just dead panned the naivety

Then Jaune waited for the Beowulf to strike as it lunges Jaune jumped behind the bonfire and slashed sending ash and cinders to it's eyes

The Beowulf recoiled as it tried to wipe away the soot on its face but left it open as Jaune swiped and decapitated the hapless Grimm

Then more Beowulves were attracted to the commotion as Jaune prepares to run

Tyrian: ooh this is gonna be brutal!

The Arc family was on their heels afraid for the young arc

Ruby was screaming for him to run

While Yang and Weiss was trying to calm her down

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