4: All Hail the Chief

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Cath: John, we all need to talk as a family.

John: I know, I screwed up big time.

Saphron: dad, he needs to know why.

Terra: and tip toeing the subject is not healthy for him.

Meanwhile a few feet away from the family

Ruby: you think we should help?

Yang: it's a family matter Ruby, and Jaune needs to sort that out when we get back.

Weiss: I can't believe that we out him like that, I know what he did was illegal but I don't think he's the only one who would dare do that on Beacon.

Blake: and imagine if they had any ill intentions. I admit I had to fake my transcripts as well.

Yang: huh you never told us that before.

Blake: how else did you think I got in, I'm a former White Fang member.

Weiss: she does have a point, and I'm way past those things now,I just need to understand you, I may not approve but I will try to accept you and everyone here.

Yang: aaaawww, we love you to Weiss Cream!

As she has her in a head lock

Weiss: let go of me you dolt!!!

Then Spectre walks into existence as a portal opens behind him

And more people comes out

One that resembles Weiss and Winter

Weiss and Winter: Mother!!!?

Willow: Winter? Weiss? What are you doing here? What am I doing here?

The two sisters went to her to see if she's okay

Willow: my head doesn't feel clouded anymore.

Qrow: oh a fellow lover of Alcohol my type of person.

Winter: don't you dare you drunk old fart!!! If you even try to get near her I will rip off your testicles and shove them up your rectum!

The other males along with Qrow covered they're pride and joy and cringed at the threat

Another woman came in it was Robyn Hill

Robyn: what's going on, one moment I'm in my office and the next I'm here!?

Ironwood: Hill? Why is she here?

Spectre: because she lends a hand in fixing your world unlike you in many cases. But I digress in some worlds you were better than you are now and help shaped a new generation.

Neptune: wow these food are really good!

Sun: Yeah! As he talks with his mouth full

Weiss: ew, manners please.

Blake just sighed Sun was an okay friend but in other areas like manners are slightly lacking

Spectre: I'm glad you guys are enjoying it just do as you wish. Think of this realm as your home for now as I call for more viewers.

He then snaps his fingers

Then a group of people start coming in

It was none other than the Ace-Ops

The operatives saw ironwood and saluted

Ironwood: at ease.

Qrow: greaaaat....

Spectre: oh don't get angry about this one as I'm bringing your enemies too.

Ozpin: and why praytell would you do that.

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