Tony looked like he was about to cry again and moved his sight to the floor as though in shame. "My pants don't fit." He mumbled quietly.

"Oh we can fix that!" Natasha said sitting herself next to him on the bed, "Too small or too big?"

"They are way too big! It's embarrassing! Ugh I don't want to go to this school! I don't understand why you are making us! Shouldn't you be focusing on returning us home?" Tony asked standing up, freaked out and tears once again spilling out. Noting the tears, Tony made a sound of disgust and harshly wiped them away. "Pathetic." He mumbled to himself, sinking back on the bed next to Natasha. "I'm sorry, I'm just being a whiney princess." Tony said quietly to Natasha.

Natasha shook her head, "Tony is okay to cry and it's okay to be scared." She told him, "We are still focusing to find a cure, S.H.I.E.L.D has been researching for cures ever since this all began, you will be back home soon! For now you're just going to have to be the strong person I know you are!" Tony sighed and then stood, again trying to pull the too big pants up.

He held them up in a bunch at the top knowing that without him holding them up they would fall, "what about the clown pants? You'd think they would've measured a size for me!"

Natasha laughed, "Yeah I agree, but don't worry! This is an easy fix, ever heard of a belt?" She asked going over to older Tony's cupboard and pulling out a leather black belt.

Tony chuckled, "Oh yeah"

"I thought you were a genius" Natasha teased handing the teenager the belt.

Tony just laughed and put the belt on before pulling the slightly over-sized school jumper over top, hiding the existence of the belt.

"Nobody else will know about this right?" Tony asked after he was ready in his now staying up pants.

Natasha smiled and nodded, "Your secrets safe with me." She said as she made her way out of the room to go check on Bruce.

She couldn't help but think to herself how young Tony hiding the belt reminded her of the older Tony hiding the arc reactor. It seemed the man had always had something to hide.

Clint was just about to open the door to Thor's room when it suddenly opened itself.

"Sir Clint! Son of Barton! I am ready for breakfast a long with also being ready for the great Midgardian schooling." An excited tiny Thor said way too loudly for any person in the early morning.

"Oh that's cool bud, any problems at all? Scared to be going to a new school from another realm?" Clint asked with an amused smile at the contrast of the reactions between Steve and Thor.

Thor shook his head with a grin, "Nay, for this is truly exciting! I am ready for this adventure and fun experience!" he said walking out of the door way of his room and heading towards the dining table.

"Now show me these Pop tarts you have spoken about!"

Natasha went over to Bruce's door and carefully opened it to see little Bruce standing in the middle of the room all ready to go.

She smiled and walked over to kneel in front of him. "You all ready to go Bruce?" She asked softly.

The small boy only nodded in reply.

"Any problems?" He shook his head.

"Oh well you're easy!" Natasha laughed slightly, while helping Bruce tuck in and straighten out his shirt. Even though he said he had no problems, Natasha could sense he was very scared about going to the school.

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