"Tony! Why do you have to be so rude?"

"Shut up, Steven."

"HEY! I was watching that! Change the channel back!"

"I can't the remotes broken. See, it won't let me change channels."

"What did you do to remote?!"

"I was bored!"

"You broke it!"

"I'm fixi-"

"Would you two SHUT the FUCK up!?" Fury yelled over the two's bickering, smiling at the sudden silence that followed.

"Thank you, now where's Barton and Romanoff?" He questioned, staring them down.

"In the kitchen." Tony replied casually, gesturing towards to kitchen and then returning to fixing the remote, no care for what just happened.

Steve sat quietly and stiffly as he was scared to piss the man off even more, he didn't like being told off by adults because of bad behaviour.

"Don't get told off much Stevie?" Tony spoke up after Fury had disappeared from the room.

"Shut up Tony!"

When Fury entered the kitchen, Natasha and Clint were leaning on opposite benches, both cradling a mug of tea.

"Good afternoon agents." Nick said standing in the middle of the room.

"Hey, would you like a tea?" Natasha asked half making her way to the kettle.

"That won't be needed, I won't be here long." Fury answered, moving back a bit to lean on the door way. "Would you like to tell me what this meeting you requested is for?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"Sir, we don't think we should send the de-aged avengers to school." Clint told Nick, crossing his arms. "It just sounds like a stupid idea, we need to focus on turning them back!"

"That's the point Barton! You send them the school, more time to yourself to figure out a cure!" Fury explained. "While they're at school, being monitored by undercover agents, you guys can be working on changing them back while also being available if we need you for short missions! You see my point?"

"We see your point Director Fury, but we also see how dangerous this could be!" Natasha told the man in front of her.

"Agent Romanoff, Have I not mentioned the undercover agents? They will be there to protect the de-aged avengers from any harm or danger!" The man answered hands going on to his hips.

"Now I'm a busy man, I've got other shit to deal with other than you people! Are we done here?" He said standing up higher, ready to leave.

"Yeah... Thanks Fury." Clint agreed reluctantly.

"They won't be there for long, agents. We will find a cure." And with that Fury left.

"That was quick." Natasha sighed placing her mug into the sink.

"I still don't feel great about this Nat." Clint spoke up as soon as Nick left.

"Neither do I."

In the lounge room, Steve was still seated and back to watching his film after Tony had fixed the remote.

This time Tony was no longer in the room and was replaced by a bored Thor.

"Son of Rogers, this moving picture you are watching has lack of colour. Is it broken?"

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