Chapter 89

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"I hated that. I don't think I'll ever like apparting." Madeline said, as they walked into the Slytherin common room after there first apparition lesson. The group shooed away some second years sitting on the couch and sat down.

"Why does it have to feel like my body is being pushed into every different direction? I felt like my breakfast was in my forehead for a minute." She said,

"I actually like it. I can't wait until I can get my licenses and annoy the hell out of my cousins." Blaise smirked, 

"Annoy your cousins?" Madeline asked,

"Yeah, I remember I was I think seven when they first got it. They used to appart every and scare me, I'd be asleep in my bed at 10, and then all of a sudden, he'd be on the bed, or I'd be in the bathroom and then he'd just poof in." Blaise shook his head at the memory and leaned against the couch.

"Did anyone finish the Dementor's essay for potions?" Draco asked, he rubbed his forehead, sending a death glare towards Crabbe and Goyle.


"Because I haven't finished it, Thoe. Why else would I ask?" Draco snapped, 

"Okay, don't bite my head off, Draco. I need to write my conclusion and I should be done. Do you want to see it?" Theo asked, Draco huffed nodding.

"Yes, thank you."

"Didn't you tell me last night that you couldn't hang out last night because you were writing it?" Madeline asked, raising an eyebrow at Draco.

"I had a lot of other work and didn't have time too." Draco avoided eye contact, instead as Theo handed him the rolled-up parchment. 

"Don't worry, I'll give it back to you at the end of the day." Draco added, as he stood up, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. Madeline grabbed Draco's arm before he could take another step.

"Where are you going?"

"I've got to go see...McGonagall."

"Are we going to see all today?" She asked, Draco signed.

"Yes, I'll see you for lunch."

"When was the last time we had lunch? All of us, I mean." Daphne asked, she titled her head at Draco, her eyes shining with interest, she crossed her arms of her chest, waiting for Draco's response.

"I was with you guys last week, wasn't I?" Draco muttered, he looked down at Madeline's hand, still wrapped around his arm.

"Draco that was last month." Madeline hissed; Draco shook his head.

"Well, then I'll make sure to come by today, I'll give you back your paper later tonight Theo." Draco said, Madeline hesitated before she let Draco's arm go. He walked out of the common room without a look back at them.

"I'm worried about him." Madeline stared at the wall Draco had just gone through.

"I think we all are,"


Madeline walked up the stairs, she swore if Draco wasn't up here, she was going to kill him herself. He had told them they were going to have lunch together, yet she didn't see him all day. Again. And she knew for a fact that Draco had barely two bites of his eggs this morning before rushing off. If he kept this up, he wasn't going to live to see seventh year. So, she stormed upstairs, this was the last hallway she had to check, and if she didn't find him here, she didn't know where else to look.

She stepped into the hallway, her heart dropped once she saw it was empty again, but she didn't want to give up hope just yet. She walked down the hall, maybe he was in the bathroom or something. 

"Don't...say things like that." Madeline heard a girl say, she looked around, wondering where that voice was coming from. 

"It's true," Draco?  Madeline walked towards the voices, stopping in front of the boys bathroom.

"She's going to hate me...forever. I'm a horrible human being...the things I've done-" She heard Draco try to take a deep breath, she quietly walked into the bathroom, trying to figure out what was going on. What Draco was talking about.  Draco's head hung low, his hands on either side of the sink, his knuckles white. Moaning Mrytle hovered next to him. 

"No she wont, I told you!" 

"I don't care," 

"If you tell me what's wrong-" 

"No!" Draco shouted, he looked up, tears streaming down his face. Madeline couldn't take it anymore.

"Draco?" She whispered, but he still heard her. He turned around, still clutching the sink like it was helping him support himself, his eyes shocked and scared. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Draco tell me what's wrong? What's going on?" Madeline said, she walked up to him. Draco shook his head, shutting his eyes. 

"I can't." 

"Why?" Madeline asked, she put a shaking hand against his cheek, his whole body was shaking, his face was pale, the tears were still streaming down his face.

"I can help you," She whispered, 

"No one can help me. I can't do it...I can't...It won't work... and unless I do it soon...he says he'll kill me..." Madeline's heart was beating so fast, she probably couldn't count how many beats it was going even if she tried, her mouth had gone dry, tears forming in her eyes. She couldn't help it, and threw her arms around him, he gasped and gulped, his arms going around her body, he was squeezing her so tight, she could barely breath, but she didn't care, she could feel his whole body shaking against hers, even during this tight embrace.

"Draco-" But she didn't get a word in before he pushed her away, against the sink, and towards Mrytle, and took out his wand, and shouted a hex. Madeline looked over, seeing Potter standing there.

"STOP!" Mrytle screamed, as Potter took out his own wand and started firing back.

"Stop! Stop!" Madeline shouted, as Draco's hex burst a pipe, and water started flooded the bathroom.

"NO NO!" They were screaming but Draco and Potter weren't paying attention to them. Potter slipped, but his wand still pointed at Draco as he shouted,

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" The green spell flew from Potter's wand and hit Draco on the chest. Draco's hand flew to his chest before slashes appeared on Draco's face and chest. He looked over at Madeline, before falling on his back in the water with a big splash that drenched the bottom of Madeline's shirt, and her skirt. 

She stared at him, at the cuts, at the stain of red of his shirt growing larger and larger. His hand almost lifelessly letting go of his wand, and felt her heart stop beating, and the scream erupting from her throat. 

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