Chapter 78

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Potter walked into the great hall, blood rushing down his face. Draco hid his smirk behind his napkin. Madeline's eyebrows scrunched together, watching him till he sat down, like the rest of the student body.

"What the hell happened to him?" Theo asked,  

"My boot," Draco shrugged, 

"What? Why the hell did you do that?" Daphne asked, but she couldn't hide her smirk. Draco shrugged,

"He was watching us, he was hiding on top of the luggage compartment, smashed my foot right on his nose." Draco explained, pointing to his nose, Blaise laughed, looking over his shoulder at Potter. They conversation died as Dumbledore stood up, waving his hand in greeting. Madeline gasped her eyes glued to Dumbledore's left hand, that looked like it was decaying. 

"The very best evening to you," 

"What's wrong with his hand?" She asked, her friends shook their heads, they didn't know the answer either. Dumbledore smiled, covering his hand with his purple-colored robe. 

"Nothing to worry about. our new students, welcome, to our old students, welcome back! Another year full of magical education awaits you..." Dumbledore said his usual announcement, ones that almost made Madeline fall asleep.

"We are pleased to welcome a new member of staff this year. Professor Slughorn" — Slughorn stood up, his eyes searching the hall, making eye contact with every student he had asked to have lunch with. 

"-is a former colleague of mine who has agreed to resume his old post of Potions master." 

"Potions?" Daphne asked, 

"I thought he was going to be the professor for defense against the dark art." Theo said, he looked at Madeline and Blaise.

"I don't think he ever said what he was teaching." Blaise said, 

"Professor Snape, meanwhile, will be taking over the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Professor Dumbledore raised his voice, talking over the confused students.

"NO!" Potter shouted, but only a few people paid him attention. The Slytherin table started clapping and cheering for there head of house. Snape smirked, raising his hand in acknowledgement, his eyes burning with pride and triumph. Dumbledore cleared his throat, as he started talking about Voldemort, the hall went quiet, his eyes sweeping the hall, lingering on the Slytherin table. Madeline felt Draco grab her hand under the table, she turned her head, wanting him to meet her gaze but he didn't look at her. Instead, he had his wand in his other, levitating a fork up and down.  

"But now, your beds await, as warm and comfortable as you could possibly wish, and I know that your top priority is to be well rested for your lessons tomorrow. Let us therefore say good night. Pip pip!" Dumbledore said, clapping his hands together. The students stood up as soon as he said that, rushing towards the exit. The group took there time leaving, Madeline looked around, noticing Parkinson was with her friends but glaring at Madeline like she had killed her cat. Madeline smirked shaking her head at Parkinson before turning her attention back to Draco and her friends.

They headed downstairs to the common room, Draco muttered the password to the wall, it slid open. The common room wasn't very crowded, everyone that walked in went straight upstairs to their dorm room, but Madeline, Draco, Daphne, Theo, and Blaise sat down on the common room couches. Blaise on the single chair, Daphne and Theo sat on the floor, Madeline and Draco on the couch. 

"Can you believe we're almost done? We've only got this year and next and that's it. We're done with Hogwarts. I was thinking about it this morning." Blaise said, Daphen covered her face with her hands shaking her head.

"Don't remind me Blaise, I'll probably cry when we leave." 

"We'll be adults and have adult jobs." 

"If there's anything left to go to." Draco muttered, his arms crossed over his chest, his foot tapping on the ground so hard it shook his whole leg.

"Don't think like that Draco, everything will be okay." Madeline said, she put her hand over Draco's leg, 

"And on that dark note let's head upstairs and get some rest. We all need it." Blaise said, getting off the chair. Daphne and Theo nodded standing up after Blaise did.

"Draco you want to head upstairs?" Madeline asked, as she stood up, but Draco didn't move a muscle yet. He looked up, Madeline felt like he was battling something in his mind, his eyes slowly moved back and forth, before he stood up.

"Let's go," He said, standing up. Draco grabbed Madeline's hand, intertwining there fingers, Madeline muttered a 'goodnight,' over her shoulders to the rest of her friends, as he lead Madeline upstairs. 

Draco opened his dorm room door, letting Madeline enter first before he shut it behind them. His trunks laid on the ground next to his bed.

"Are you okay Draco?" Madeline asked, putting a hand on his back. Draco tensed, his arms crossed over his chest, but he nodded.

"I'm fine princess, why do you ask?" Madeline shrugged, as she took off her robe, and laid it across his desk chair.

"You just today." She said, 

"It's probably just the train ride, I'm a little exhausted." Draco said, as he opened the trunk. He took out the shirt Madeline loved to wear when she slept in his dorm, and a shirt and pants for him.

"Maybe," Madeline answered, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that Draco wasn't completely honest. Draco handed her his shirt, before walking to the bathroom. That's weird, he always changed in front of her. Madeline thought before she stripped out of her Hogwarts uniform, and into Draco's t-shirt. Draco stepped out of the bathroom, a few minutes later, and Madeline was already curled up in Draco's bed, waiting for him. Draco crawled into bed with her, putting an arm around Madeline, and pulling her close to his body.

"I've missed you, three months is a long time," she said, Draco nodded, kissing her forehead.

"I've missed you too."

"How have you been? With your dad locked up and everything?" Madeline asked, a dark look flashed across Draco's face. 

"I'm fine, it was fine, boring really, I was just counting the days till I see you again." Draco said, Madeline smiled.

"I was too. I'm happy to be back," she said, before she yawned weakly. The train ride was now hitting her.  She closed her eyes, her face going in the crook of Draco's neck. He put his hand over her head, smoothing the back of her hairs, his eyes glued to the dark mark that was poking out from his sleeve. 

"I love you, Draco." Madeline muttered, against his skin.

"I love you too, Princess."

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