Chapter 72

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The second semester at Hogwarts was flying by, Draco and other Slytherins got the High Inquisatior badges, all expect Madeline but she didn't care, she didn't want anymore responsibilities with the stress of the owls were coming. Blaise, Daphne, Theo, and Madeline hid in Draco's room trying to study the night before the exams. They were huddled around a stack of flashcards that they had written for potions. One side had a potion, the other side had the definitions. 

"So what does the wolfsbane potion do?" Daphne asked Madeline.

" helps a werewolf during a full moon. It lets them keep there human mind even though there body is still a werewolf." Madeline answered, Daphne nodded.

"Correct," She said, putting the flashcard at the bottom of the stack. 

"What's a Felix Felicis?" Madeline asked Theo.

"It's the potion that gives you luck for a certain period of time." Theo answered,

"Correct," Madeline said,

"Madeline you're so lucky, you don't even need to know this stuff. You have a job already lined up for you, we have to study our arse off just to get an E." Blaise groaned as he laid on the ground, he rubbed his forehead, shutting his eyes.

"Yes, I'm lucky because I have the most stressful jobs lined up for me, when we graduate." Madeline said sarcastically.

"Yes exactly," Blaise said, Madeline grabbed a piece of parchment, crumbling it up into a little ball before chucking it at his head, it hit him right between his eyebrows. 


"That didn't hurt, you're being dramatic." Madeline said, Blaise turned over his back facing Madeline.

"It hurt my emotions." 

"Okay guys we need to finish these flashcards," Daphne said,

"We've been through them five times Daphne, lets have a break." Theo signed, laying down next to Blaise.

"It's proven that we need at least an hour of break." Blaise said,

"And who proved that?" Daphne asked, as Madeline laid down putting her head on Draco's lap, as he read through his herebology notes. He used his free hand to run his fingers through Madeline's hair. She shut her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his fingers raking through her hair.

"I did." Blaise muttered, Daphne chuckled.

"Okay guys let's take a 15-minute break." Daphne said,

"Who put Daphne in charge?" Draco asked, looking up from his notes.

"Because who else is going to make sure we all pass our owls?"


That next morning, the group huddled around the Slytherin table. Theo, Blaise, Daphne, and Draco, who managed to get away from Pansy, stared at their plates nervously. The four barely touched their plate of food, Daphne picked up a piece of toast, managing to nibble on it.

"Guys eat, please. How are you going to focus if you can't even take a bite of bacon." Madeline said, 

"Yeah, easy for you to say Madeline when you already have a job lined up after Hogwarts." Blaise said, Madeline pursed her lips looking away.

"Blaise," Draco hissed.

"What? It's true, Madeline I wish I was in your shoes. She could fail every subject, and still have a job after this." Blaise said, Draco rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"I know it's true, but I still want to do well." Madeline added. Blaise shrugged. 

Finally, breakfast was over even though the fifth years never ate much. The seventh and fifth years were taken out of the great hall as everyone else went to their class. The fifth years were brought back in around 9:30. There were desks lined up from the front of the great hall all the way to the back. They sat down, ready to start to their first exam, Transfiguration. 


"I definitely got the hiccup charm wrong and the cheering charms. I'm so stupid." Daphne muttered at the lunch table. 

"Please let's not talk about the exam, my heads killing me and talking about it is not goanna make it better." Theo said,

"Maybe if you had eaten something like I told you too this morning, you wouldn't have a headache." Madeline muttered,

"I'm eating right now and it's not helping, is it?" Theo snapped, Madeline leaned over the table and wacked him over the head.

"Ow," He said, rubbing the side of his head.

"Whatever, seriously though, let's not talk about it. I don't want to re-question everything on that exam." Theo said, Blaise nodded.

"I agree," Madeline glanced over at Draco who was sitting next to Pansy. His arms were crossed on the table, his head resting against them. Pansy didn't seem to care, she was talking on and on, poking Draco's arm.

"You think if I die, then everyone else will get an O." Blaise said, grabbing Madeline's attention.

"You're going to do what?" She asked,

"Pretend to die, that way when I do, you all get O's then I get to sleep for eternity." Blaise suggested.

"Blaise we're in a school filled with Wizards, I think they can figure out if you're faking a heart attack." Daphne said, picking up a piece of broccoli off her plate with her fork.

"We'll see about that." 

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