Chapter 86

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"Elizabeth, just put my hair in a bun, I don't want it in my face." Madeine signed, she was already exhausted from the day, and wanted to crawl into her bed and sleep for hours, but the party hadn't even started yet. 

"Are you okay Princess Madeline? You seem very annoyed today." Elizabeth said, as she started brushing Madeline's hair.

"I'm okay, just exhausted. I just want to sleep."

"Why don't you just skip the party?" Elizabeth asked, Madeline tried to shake her head, but Elizabeth held on so tight she couldn't move.

"No, my Mum would never let me." She signed, 

"Maybe you could excuse yourself early." Elizabeth suggested, Madeline nodded.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," Madeline rubbed her forehead, as Elizabeth finished her hair. Madeline picked up her tiara, it was one of the largest tiara's she had ever wore. Elizabeth helped her put it on.

"Okay, that should be it." She signed, standing up, and looking at herself in the mirror. She wore a long puffy white sleeveless dress, that had light grey flowers, leaves, and vines running down the dress and white elbow length gloves.

 She wore a long puffy white sleeveless dress, that had light grey flowers, leaves, and vines running down the dress and white elbow length gloves

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There was a knock on Madeline's door, she shouted 'Come in,' and Grace walked in.

"Are you ready? I don't want to walk in alone." 

"I'm all done," Madeline huffed, she thanked Elizabeth before looping her arm through her sisters.

"This year feels off. Don't you think?" Grace asked her,

"It's probably cause of the return of you know who. It's affecting this world too. Dad said he hasn't worked this hard since almost 16 years ago." Madeline explained, Grace shrugged.

"I can't wait for this all to be over."

"Me too," Madeline said, before they walked into the ballroom, Madeline shut her eyes and took a breath, praying this night was going to end soon.


Madeline watched the juice in her cup swishing around as she moved it. She rubbed her forehead, wishing there was a clock in this room. 

"Hi," Prince Alexander said, sitting down next to her, he crossed his arms over his chest, and leaned back in the chair.

"Oh hello Alexander." Madeline smiled weakly, sitting up straighter. Alexander examined her face, his eyes roaming her face. 

"Are you alright, you seem...down?" He asked, she nodded, taking a sip of her juice.

"I'm okay, just trying to get through the night." Madeline said, 

"You want to take a walk? Get some fresh air?" Alexander asked, Madeline pursed her lips, looking around the room. It felt stuffy, there were to many people, and everyone was trying to talk to Madeline, maybe some fresh air could help calm her down.

"Yeah, I'd love too." She put her glass down on the table, and stood up. Madeline followed Alexander out of the ballroom, dogging anyone that would try to stop them. They walked in silence till they reached her castle grounds, Madeline felt the cold kiss her skin. She shut her eyes, tilting her head up, finally feeling like she could have a moment to herself.

"So, are you okay? You seem really off tonight?"

"Everyone's been asking me that, but I'm fine honestly. I'm just tired. I helped my father all night with paperwork he needed to finish before his parliment meeting. He's trying to convince them to do something about the bridge that collapsed last week and the parliament doesn't want-"

"Hey," Alexander said, putting a hand on her back, Madeline stopped talking pursing her lips as she breathed in the cold air.

"Everything's goanna be okay. The night's going to end soon, and you can fall asleep, you should sleep all day actually." He joked, Madeline laughed, turning her head to look at him.

"I should," He smiled, before putting his hand on her cheek, and slowly starting to lean in.

"Woah!" Madeline shouted, she put her hands up, taking a step back.

"What's wrong?" Alexander asked, he raised his eyebrows at her confused.

"What do you mean what's wrong? You tried to kiss me." Madeline said, shaking her head. Alexander's eyes widen, his mouth fell open.

"Madeline...please tell me you know." He whispered, running a hand through his hair. Madeline's heart started to beat faster, her heart started racing, and this time she didn't like this feeling.

"What are you talking? Know what?" Madeline shouted, Alexander opened his mouth, and then closed it again, looking like a pucker fish. He rubbed his hands over his face.

"Madeline...we're engaged." Madeline stared at him, she blinked a couple times, she heard the words but they weren't processing in her mind.

"No, no, no," She whispered,

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew. My dad told me a couple weeks ago. We've been engaged since we we're 11 and 12. They didn't want us to know till now." Madeline felt like she couldn't breath, she pulled her gloves off her arms, they suddenly felt to tight. Her dress felt to tight, her hair was to tight.

"There has to be some kind of mistake, we can't be engaged." Madeline felt tears in her eyes, her mind racing to Draco.

"I'm's true." He whispered, 

"I can't...I can't believe this. I can't breath. I need to go!" Madeline shouted, she threw her gloves on the ground, hiked up her skirt, and start running back to the castle. She didn't stop running till she reached her room, the tears were already rushing down her face. 

"No, no, no," She whispered to herself, she felt like she couldn't breathe, her dress was too tight, she tried to unzip her dress, but she couldn't reach the zipper. She grabbed a pair of scissors from her nightstand, and cut the dress off her body, till she finally felt like she couldn't breathe. She took the tiara off her head, and pulled her hair tie out until her hair was free.  

"Draco," She whispered under her breath, what was she going to tell Draco? 

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