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the inside of my nose is burning

i can feel my eyes beginning to fill with tears

i hate myself for it

i hate myself anyway

i can't breathe

my lips are dry and my throat is scratching and i'm not moving

i feel my chin start to wobble and before i know if i'm chattering 

of course

i hate myself for that too

the person i see in the mirror isn't me

it can't be

when i did i change?

when did all of this happen? 

when did i start feeling this way?

i've forgotten

i can't remember how i was before

i can't remember how to be happy

how to be normal

how to love instead of hate

how to be patient and kind

this world

has turned me bitter

and cruel

and hateful

and i hate myself for that too

for being hateful

for being this way

for being me

for being

Still Here (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now