I love you

2 0 0

I'll go with you



For whatever reason

And I'll stay with you



No matter why

Anywhere you need me

Anytime you need me

Anything you need

For whatever reason

I'm there

I'll be there

Wherever you need me

Whenever you need me

Whatever you need

No matter why

I'm always there

I'll always be there

For everything

No matter what

Because that's who I am

And I know that's not who you are

But I do it anyway

Even though 

I know you won't do anything

In return

I know

You won't do all that for me

Even though I wish you would

I wish you would do all those things for me

I wish that's who you were

I wish that's who you are

But it's not

And I know that

But I somehow still kind of expect it

I wish you'd do something


For me

Because I'd do


For you

Still Here (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now