In the afternoon: The Butler, Competitive

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*3rd pov*

"<Jo Aagyaa.>"

"Yes, my lord."

The two have a stare down.

"Well... pray, do go easy on me." Sebastian said. "Here I come!! HAH!" Agni announced then the two start the duel. The two dodge the first attack on each other, Sebastian attack again but Agni ducks down to avoid the attack then goes to attack and the same happened, Sebastian dodged. Sebastian attacks as the rapier gets close to Agni's face but he acted quickly by using his rapier to move Sebastians' away. The two attack the same time as the tips are about to hit their faces, but they leaned back and the two attacked again and the tips collided then the force caused the rapiers bend and break as Sebastian catches the broken part.

"Oh dear. The blade is broken." Sebastian said. "!!" The rest were shocked by the results of the duel. "This is peak." (Y/n) commented. "We cannot continue, then. This match is a draw." Agni said. "Hmm! Ciel's khansama fared pretty well!" Soma complimented. 'A draw!?' Ciel is in disbelief. "Agni's the best fighter in my palace. You are the first to fight equally against Agni!" Soma praises Agni. 'He was fighting against Sebastian! That man... held his own against a devil!' Ciel thought. "I like you! Ciel's <khansama>! I shall excuse you today in deference to your skills." Soma praises. "I am most honored." Sebastian bows. "Mister Sebastian, thank you for being my opponent." Agni said. "My pleasure. Mister Agni is a very quick study. I never would have guessed you were but a beginner." Sebastian said. "Oh no! Please!" Agni turns to look at Ciel, "Lord Ciel. I apologize for my earlier actions. Does your arm still hurt?" Agni asks with worry. "N-No..." Ciel said, holding (Y/n) close.

"I am glad!" Agni is relieved. 'Could he... be...' Ciel goes to Sebastian. "Sebastian. What... is that man? Don't tell me he's..." Ciel thought of Grell. "No, he is human." Sebastian confirmed. "I see..." Ciel said. "Come, Ciel! Let us have another round!" Soma placed his arm around Ciel's shoulder and took (Y/n). "Yes... he is only human. However... he has powers that we can never hold... you see." Sebastian said.

*Later in kitchen*

"Aaall right! I can't let that Indian show me up! Today, I'll do my best to—" Bard holds a pan behind but... "No, thank you. I will cook, so please do not do anything." Sebastian took the pan. 'We are already half an hour behind schedule...' Sebastian thoughts about Soma bothering Ciel. "Hey! C'mon today, I was gonna cool my special. Hey, you listen! GYAH! Sebastian, ya hear me!?" Bard shouted, waking (Y/n) up. "Oh, I say. Please do be quiet for a spel—" Sebastian was cut off. "Mister Sebastian. May I come in? I was wondering if I could help you..." Agni offers. "Mister Agni. Please just relax." Sebastian said. "We can get things done faster with two of us! I shall do whatever you ask of me." Agni explains. "Then... may I ask you to prepare the Gooseberry sauce for today's main dish and the Cottage pie?" Sebastian said which made Bard mad. "Of course!" Agni said.

"Here are the recipes. Let us use minced chicken for the cottage pie." Sebastian pulls out the recipe from the drawer. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness." Agni takes the recipe. "Now! Bard, stop being an obstruction and please step aside. You are in the way." Sebastian said. "HEY! Why's he get to work while you're tellin' me I'm in the way!?" Bard shouts at Sebastian and sits on top of the barrel. "Tch!" Sebastian and (Y/n) leave as Agni looks at Bard then a lightbulb appears on his head. "—f. ...chef. Mister chef!" Agni calls out to Bard. "—Nn-hnh? Ch— chef!!? You talkin' to me!?" Bard gets up, surprised that Agni called him chef. "Yes! Chef!! I am not accustomed to cooking British food. Will you please help me?" Agni asks for help as Bard is in brink of tears. "YEAH!! Lemme handle it!" Bard happily shouts. "Splendid!! Then will you chop the onions?" Agni pulls out basket of onions that are already peeled.

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