In the morning: The Butler, Reflective

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*3rd pov*

[I despised my red hair, which was just like my father's. And I loathed the color red.]

"An's red hair is truly beautiful. The color of Lycoris, a color that blazes the Earth. Red really suits you."

[I began to love the color red because you complemented me. But... But...]

"Right, then." Sebastian took off his coat and placed it on top of Ciel. "Wha—!?" Ciel was surprised by the action. "Please do not allow yourself to catch a chill. I will prepare some hot milk when we have returned to the town house. And I shall sweeten it with honey or brandy or something of the sort." Sebastian said which Ciel didn't say anything. "What about me? This rain could get me sick, you better make me hot chocolate when we go back" (Y/n) rest her head on Sebastian's shoulder as he sighs in irritation, but nods.

"Ohhh? I'm not going to let you go running home just like that, you know!? Little death scythe here and I are both full of soooo much pent-up energy these days 'cos our quarry has been much too easy to... HUNT!" Grell jumps high as she reels her chainsaw back, (Y/n) pushes Ciel away from them as Grell lands between them and the ground is slashed by the chainsaw. "I much prefer doing the chasing myself to being chased, Sebastian Darling! (N/n)! So let's have ourselves a marvelous of tag, shall we!?" Grell runs at Sebastian and (Y/n). "I have asked you before... to refrain from uttering such vile... drivel!" Sebastian said and dodged the attack. "Playing tag if too tiresome." (Y/n) also dodges the attack. "Don't be like that! You two will get hooked on my little one once you've had a taste... I'm sure!" Grell gets close to Sebastian, but he grabs a beam to hold the chainsaw.

"You don't look it, but you're pretty powerful, Sebastian Darling!❤️ However... the real show begins now! The death scythe... can cut through a gas lamp..." The chainsaw starts to cut through the beam which (Y/n) noticed so she took action and pushed Sebastian and took the hit on her arm. " a twig!" Sebastian was shocked to (Y/n) getting hit as her blood gushers out and turns into cinematic record. "Wha..." (Y/n) could only say.

"Let's kill him. I'll kill him." Past Sloth states with a blank look.


"You? Kill him? The human who created you. Have you gone crazy from too much sleep, sister?" Lawless glares at Sloth angrily.


"We wouldn't be here without him? Isn't that right? That person is like a parent to us! Family! Aren't we the ones who have to stick by his side?! Shouldn't you be the one who stands by him?! As his family, we should—" Lawless grips on Sloth's hoodie/cloak.


(Y/n) snaps out of the cinematic record, "—how was it for you, hm? The pain you felt must've been rather dramatic, no?" Grell licks her upper lip, "that just now was a little talent we reapers have... The 'Cinematic Record.' Grim reapers receive a list of those who are scheduled to die and judge them by playing back their memories using the 'records.' We look at what sort of humans they were... and what sort of lives they lived. Should we allow them to live? Or should we kill them? People say a magic lantern passes before their eyes when they are on the verge of death... but that's just reapers like lil' ole me playing back that human's 'memories.' For those who receive the judgement... "this human should die"... we use our death scythes to serve their memories and souls from their bodies, and... from them, it is 'The End.'" Grell explains about the cinematic records.

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