In the afternoon: The Butler, Retaliatory

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*3rd pov*

Sebastian's blood turns into cinematic records, "Now... show me a dramatic... no, a moving picture...!" Grell sees chibi Tanaka with a cup of green tea which shocked her.


"XXX (30) spoonfuls, just as the direction say, but something seems to have gone wrooong!" Mey-Rin cries.

"COOKING IS ART!!" Baldroy shouts with a burnt afro.

"Go make me some cookies, Seb." (Y/n) demands, lying on Sebastian's bed while playing DS.

"N—!NO—! NOW—! NOW JUST A MINUTE! Who the hell are these idiots!? (Besides (Y/n), of course)" Grell freaks out, looking at the cinematic records. "You will only find mundane happen-stances such as these over the past year..." Sebastian explains. "I'm not interested in ordinary folks like them, beside my (N/n)! SHOW ME SOMETHING JUICIER!" Grell angrily, stated as Sebastian quickly goes behind her. "My apologies... however... you must pay to see the rest." Sebastian place his index finger over his lips and winks. "TCH!" Grell dodges the attack from Sebastian.

"Oh dear... my clothes are in tatters once more... I had hoped that mending the shoulders would help, but... this tailcoat is beyond redemption." Sebastian complains, looking at his butler outfit. "Worrying about your outfit at a time like is very cheeky of you. Perhaps your wounds were not deep enough? But I do love a man who cares about the way he looks... Sebastian Darling!" Grell readies her chainsaw as Sebastian lets out a sigh and took off his coat. "I did not want to use this approach, but... I fear I have no other choice." Sebastian turned serious. "Tee-hee... so you've finally made up your mind to fight me seriously? How about we bring this show to a close with the next attack... Sebastian Darling! Let us bid this world farewell... and be united in the next, okay? SEBASTIAN DARLING!!" The two run then jump as they face each other, Sebastian moves his hand that has his coat and Grell moves her chainsaw.

Sebastian's coat got in the chainsaw, "" Grell is confused and tries to pull the coat. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!? IT STOPPED MOVING!!?" Grell shouts and lands on the roof.

"If the cutting edge of your Death Scythe is dependent upon its revolution... it occurred to me that I only needed to keep it from doing so." Sebastian explains while Grell tries to get the coat off, "I'll get rid of this right away—!"

"That tailcoat is tailored from top quality wool. The frictional force of wool is significant. Once caught, removing it will be no simple matter. As it is supplied by the manor... I had wished to avoid employing my coat at all costs, but... there was simply no way around it. The Death Scythe that can cut through everything. That is, if one can actually wield it... right?" Sebastian explained while Grell is on her knees trying to take off the coat. "Now... Mister Grell... you can no longer utilize your Death Scythe, can you?" Sebastian looms over Grell, menacingly . "Ah... Aah...!" Grell is scared as Sebastian smiles. "If we simply make this a battle of fists... I do have some confidence I can win." Sebastian cracks his knuckles. "Ah...! H—! Hey, Wait... D... JUST NOT THE FAAAACE! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!"

"...Whew." Sebastian is refreshed after the beating he did to Grell. "Ah... ah won't hurrrget diiiish..." Grell groans since her face is beaten up and her glasses are broken. "Oh...? I should expect no less from a reaper. A physical assault cannot kill you. But... what if I were to use this?" Sebastian took the chainsaw which she notice. "Since the Death Scythe can make mince-meat of anything... it follows that I would be able to make mince-meat of you as well, no?" Sebastian pulled out the coat and this makes Grell move away from him. "Wh-What are you think—! Hold it...! GYAH!" Sebastian stepped on Grell's head. "I do not enjoy being stepped on... but being the one doing the stepping is another story altogether."

"Ow d'oww...! OWWWWW!! OUUURRCH!!" Grell cries out in pain. "Your wails have a rather tuneful ring to them." Sebastian said. "Sebas... A—GYAAAAAAH!"

"As a reward..." Sebastian turns the chainsaw on, "...I shall send you to the next life... with the help of your favorite toy." Grell pleas for Sebastian to stop. "Please—! Please, Sebastian Darl... STOOOP!" Sebastian smiles at her, "I think not." Sebastian raises the chainsaw while smiling menacingly. "S...ST... OOOOOP!!" Just as Sebastian was about to hit Grell, but something stopped the chainsaw. Sebastian looks up to see a figure on the rooftop. "Ah..." Grell looks at the figure. "!?" Ciel is shocked. "Eh?" (Y/n) is confused. "Please pardon the interruption." The man retract his weapon, "I... am William T. Spears from the management division of the grim reaper dispatch. I have come to claim that reaper."

"Will! William! You came to rescue... MEEE..." William landed on Grell's head. "Dispatch member Grell Sutcliff. You are guilty of having violated our ordinances. First, by killing those not on the list of the dead." William kicks Grell, "second, by using a Death Scythe without submitting an application for said use." William kicks Grell twice again, "we will return to headquarters right away and have you submit a written apology and report." William grabs Grell's hair and starts to drag her. "Listen!! I was just about to get killed. You hear!? You're so cold—" Before Grell could say anything else, William swung Grell by her hair and landed hard on the ground. "Quiet."

"I apologize for all the trouble that thing has caused you. Ah. My card." William hands Sebastian his card as he bows, "really... having to bow to a noxious beast like you... is an affront to all reapers." William said. "Then please keep watch over your underlinings so as not to inconvenience said noxious beast. Humans are easily tempted. When they are poised on the hellish despair... and a spider's thread of salvation presents itself, they will invariably grasp it... no matter the manner of human." Sebastian said. "Taking advantage of that, you devils seduce humans... and live by leeching off of them, isn't that right?"

"I do not deny that." Sebastian said. "Though as a collared pet dog... I suppose you're somewhat better than a mad dog with no sense of fidelity, hm? All right. It's time we returned, Grell Sutcliff. Good grief... We're understaffed to begin with... and now I shan't be able to clock out on time yet again thanks to you." William started to drag Grell again until Sebastian threw the chainsaw at William and he caught it by his finger as the two stare at each other. " forgot something." Sebastian gave a close eyed smile. "—cheers... now... if you will excuse us..." William and Grell disappear into the dark alleyway.

"Forgive me, sir. I failed to capture the remaining culprit." Sebastian apologized. "...let it go. Just... let it go." Ciel stares at Madam Red's body until Sebastian placed his hand on Ciel's cheek. "You have become terrible chilled. Let us return to the town house at once. And I shall prepare that hot milk for you as promised, all right?" Sebastian said. "Yes, please. Let's go to the town house so you can also make us a hot bath too." (Y/n) stretch her limbs. ".....Yes, very well." Ciel gets up but wobbled to the side but Sebastian caught him, "young master!" The action cause Ciel to smack Sebastian's arm away. "Young—!"

"Don't. I'm all right. I can stand on my own..... I'm...just...a bit tired..." Ciel weakly.


In the night, Ciel is resting in his room trying to sleep but can't that is until he heard his door opening and footsteps coming closer to his bed. Ciel looks up to see (Y/n), "what are you doing here?" He questions. "Thought you needed some company after that whole ordeal. You could use me as a cuddle buddy." (Y/n) transformed into a cat and walk up to Ciel then rested on his chest. "Goodnight." (Y/n) went to sleep while Ciel blushed at the action, but he felt comfortable and hugged (Y/n) closer to him. 'This feels nice.' Ciel fell asleep, comfortable.

The sleeping ash. Black Butler various x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang