17. Trusting Lord Ikur

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Tuesday, May 9th, 1989

The afternoon air blew softly down the streets uninterrupted. The silence was almost deafening. Almost. Kitiku's crutches tapping away on the ground and the occasional request for ID or a permission slip were the only things to break it. The cobbles made it hard for him to move around, but Kitiku didn't complain. He smiled as he entered the office building. Lieutenant Tomilson waved at him before coming over.

"Afternoon. Damn, you've grown since we last met. You must nearly be 5ft 8 now." Lieutenant Tomilson raised his hands. "I suppose you are here to see Lord Ikur?"

Kitiku nodded. Days have gone by since the incident, and everyone has gone back to normal. In two days, we will be able to start our regular classes. I can't wait to be like you, Pierre. He felt Lieutenant Tomilson pick him up and carry him down each step. The white walls of the medical bay filled him with relief.

"Well, at least you are on time." Lord Ikur pushed his glasses back onto his nose. I have your results back from the test, and I am sure you want to talk about your work-study form."

"I-I think I-I w-want to be a d-d-doctor. L-like you." Kitiku took Lord Ikur's arm.

Since when does he speak? A doctor? A kid like you would get eaten alive. Stand no chance out there, but he still wants to talk to you about it? Does he know something I don't? Lieutenant Tomilson smiled. "Well, I should leave you to it, and your secret is safe with me and Sutton, of course." He reached behind him and tapped Sergeant Sutton on the back.

"-gh what?" Sergeant Sutton said. "-gh, gh." Tiny specs of bread fell out of his mouth and onto the floor. "Sorry, I'll clean that."

The hand of Lord Ikur slammed into the wall, blocking his path. "What secret?" His voice was cold enough to freeze the room. His eyes narrowed and piercing, fixated on Sergeant Sutton. Sergeant Sutton smiled back at him awkwardly. "Oh, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." He looked at Kitiku. Well, I didn't expect that. That was the last thing I'd have expected. Timid boy, no muscles, unable to walk, doesn't really do much to stand out... "Well, as long as you don't do anything illegal, I won't care too much. I hope she is understanding towards that. Don't ever let her pressure you into doing anything illegal." He reached over to Kitiku and placed his hand on his shoulder. "In a few years, you will get married, and that would be good for you. I can see it now. You will have nice flowers everywhere, and lots of pictures. You would need to get a planner, too."

He really is into all of this, huh? Scary Lord, my arse. Why can I see Lord Ikur planning his wedding? Lieutenant Tomilson smiled at him again.

Lord Ikur put the paperwork down. "So you want to be a doctor? Well, you won't get much higher than a healer unless you manage to get into the academy at Kirot-Akalt as a student. The exams are complicated. There are the early introductory exams in June, then the late ones in July. That's when you have to do mathematics and your regional language. Then you have the September exam, which is the early physical exam, and in October, you have to get a Guard's recommendation letter. If you get those done and pass them, you will have your final acceptance exam in November. If you pass that, your final task is to get a bid in December for the inter-school faction you'll be in, and you'll then start in February. Of course, it would be tough for you to get in. This year would be one of your only chances. This year and next year, if you get in this year, then you have a year to settle in before you go into the high school section of the school. With you being unable to read and write Colrat I-"

"I can. I c-can read it. M-my b-brother t-taught me. S-so I c-c-can f-focus on l-learning Elkrat." Kitiku nodded. "A-and C-c-captain gave m-me this." He opened his school bag and pulled out the book. "I w-want to d-do this w-work study w-with you." He grinned when Lord Ikur nodded.

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