grown up

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Karl's pov

We were going back to the north in few days and I found it appropriate to write it to the lady ,she must be prepared.

Maintaining her territory Eden was not a problem, the territory was one of the busiest City in Rodal , the hub for trade .
It has the direct control of royal family, Rovertoles  and Striphens. The revenue generated was divided into four parts and  the largest share was of the Marquise .
It was admirable how she turned a abondened and seculted island into a bustling trade centre , and crucial point of sea trade over the world .
While people commented that she was a Rovertole and less couldn't be expected from her .
I consider it her own success,  many ladies and men of noble household could not even think of breaking their bubble but she did and won.
And made a standing strong enough so that no one looked down on her .
If she was expressing her views no one will interrupt her , she had the wisdom, she was a respected women, makes sense why she was considered a first choice for crown princess.
Her family footing was strong, so was her own character.

Which made me doubt why would she choose me . A women as great as that deserves more.

I was second in line anyway if my brother never sacrificed his life , would I ever be here . Ha I doubt it.
I have been defeated by life once and I am a coward .

With all these thoughts over and over again ,two days went by we were preparing to leave tomorrow.
And I was welcoming the lady , it's a coustom that to show respect to your fiancee,one must welcome her with utmost respect.
So here I was . The maids and butlers were arranged along the sides of the path leading to the main building , the path which was always beautiful looked extra beautiful today , the meadows of flowers were a full bloom, the cherry blossom were fully covered with flowers and anytime a strong gust of wind blew they would fall on the ground.

The carriage of the sign of Rovertole stopped infront of the door.
The door opened and I held my hand upwards to help the lady .
For a moment the world around me stopped and I struck without any moment, the lady was looking breathtaking. She was always beautiful but her new avatar was more than just mere words . The white hair which were usually tied in a ponytail were now free reaching her waist. Her blue eyes were as gorgeous as always , her pale skin was flawless with very light makeup .
A blue gown adorned with jewels and pair of jewellery pairing it . All about her was  exquisite and mesmerizing.

"Do I look weird? Why are you staring" She asked .
I coughed and diverted my eyes somewhere else but not her , my ears was all red so was my neck . I bet she could see. Damn it I am a grown up man not a kid who is in puberty.

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