Chapter 28

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     SAMMY HAD BEEN HOME FOR A few days since parting ways with Xavier and June in Georgia, and she hadn't heard a single word from anyone since. She had begun to think the worst, and that feeling grew worse as more time passed on. Then again, she knew Xavier would never risk calling her from any phone just to make a short update. He wouldn't want to risk the call being traced and exposing his current hideout where the serum was currently being stored. His caution, however, only led to Sammy's ongoing anxiety as she was eager to know that everything was alright, and that Xavier was coming back soon. She spent most of her time there cleaning the place up, except for the guest room. She decided to leave all of Xavier's stuff alone and concentrated on the living room, the kitchen and her own bedroom. This time last month Sammy didn't give a damn about cleaning up the house, because she honestly didn't think she'd be around long enough to care. Now that she was going to be around a lot longer, Sammy felt a sudden need to start taking care of little things again. It had been close to forty-eight hours since she had last seen June and Xavier and was cleaning the living room when Sammy finally got some news about their mission. She had the television on so the room wouldn't be completely silent when she was doing her thing, and it came to the story about the Senator and a status about his condition.

     "Some good news from the medical center in Florida." The news anchor started with a smile, "Senator Jackson has regained consciousness, is speaking with hospital staff and is in good spirits. Whatever had been bothering the Senator seems to have passed and he's expected to make a full recovery. At this time, the doctors believe it might be the work of an unknown allergy that the Senator may have exposed himself to while eating at the fundraiser a few nights ago. They are still investigating to find out what food might have caused the reaction. But the top story is the Senator is fine and is expected to be released and back on the campaign trail soon."

     Sammy dropped the cleaning supplies she had in her hand and put a hand to her mouth. She remembered what June had said during their conversation in Georgia, when she told them that the Senator was poisoned and practically on death's door. The fact that it wasn't even being reported as poison didn't surprise her, as she didn't believe a thing the media said anymore. Now that the Senator was now going to make a full recovery, it was the best thing Sammy could have heard that day. It was clear to her that Xavier was successful with his mission, and it was his serum that had really saved the Senator. She needed to tear off a few extra sheets from the paper towels she was using to dust the coffee table to help wipe away the tears, as she was delighted to hear what she had helped begin had in the end become a complete success. She took a seat on the sofa and watched the news network a little more trying to see if there were any details about Xavier. There wasn't anything said about him, which meant he got in and out without being seen or the authorities refused to release any info if they did spot him. 

     Either way, Sammy felt like celebrating, and decided it would be cool if there was something special waiting for Xavier when he did return. She decided to go out and get a few things from the market and that way whenever he did return, she would be ready to cook something special to celebrate his success. She left her house in a hurry and went to her local supermarket. Once inside she started to pick up ingredients for a meal that she only cooks on special occasions. The last time she cooked something special was the night she had to break the news to her mother that she was going to die. She did it to soften the blow since she was her only child, but now she had something much happier to cook for. As she was browsing the aisle looking for something specific, she ran into someone she knew. A man that used to work at the same center she used to be employed at before she stepped down to go home and die.

     "Oh," Sammy said, a little startled, "Hello Dillion."

     Dillion stood there, looking rather surprised.

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