Sneak Peak ||1• Meeting

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A group of people walked towards a building . The building was huge . It had a slim design , the outside was gray and in the middle was a huge purple neon light spelling GARMADON .  The group started ascending the steps leading to the huge double glass doors .

Two gruff men armed with guns stood on either sides. They stopped the group until one of them who was clad in a red gi gave them a card . They inspected it and returned it to the figure . They opened the door and the group walked inside .

The lobby was grand and ornate. Pillars and plants decorated the white walls and cute bulbs hung from the ceiling . The group walked in awe as they explored the area . They finally reached the elevator and one of them who was clad in a blue and gray gi called the elevator .

Ding !

The lift door opened to reveal a guard standing inside . The group walked inside .

“ Level ?” asked the guard in a gruff voice

“ zero ” answered the one clad in a black gi . The guard's eyes shot up and he pressed the PENTHOUSE  button in shock .

After around half a minute of waiting the lift doors opened to reveal a huge penthouse . The group walked inside in awe .

“ Do I want to know why are there people in my house ? ” came a voice and they turned to see a figure with blond hair and bright green eyes . The figure wore a black suit and he looked as though he had just returned from a meeting .

“ LLOYD !” they all exclaimed startled by their friend . Lloyd smiled and chuckled . He guestered them to sit on the sofa and the group obliged .

“ So what brings you here” he asked sitting comfortably on the couch opposite to the group .

“ There is a new villain ” answered the guy in white while leaning forward. Lloyd looked interested and beckoned him to continue . “ The masked man , a guy who had been causing a lot of problems in town . This person has been trying to make alliances with past enemies who were defeated ”

“ Zane , the point is that ?” interrupted Lloyd who had a hint of fear in his eyes .

“ We need your help Lloyd . Please

The blond looked at group's desperate faces and then he looked at the stairs which led to a room with a  brown door. He had a choice , he could help them but that would put him in trouble but then again what's life without the risks . Still , his brain argued .

He looked at the group and then sucked a breath . He had chosen a path .  He looked into their eyes and then replied with his answer .


So I'm thinking of a sequel cuz I haven't written Ninjago in a while . Not cannon at all . It's gonna be A Whole New World

Yeh that was a stupid reference anyways I'm gonna write the entire story and then publish it cuz m lazy and rn I have summer vacation

19/5/24 --- Sunday

— Stellae aka DS out

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