Chapter 2

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The ninja decide to split up as they find a lead . Luke Cunningham was the one in the white mask . Lloyd was seriously hoping that Luke would not spill everything out .

Hence he decided to accompany Cole , Jay and Zane. Harumi stayed on the bounty with nya and Kai had someplace urgent to go.

Lloyd suggested they go to mystake's to get some tea of truth . Cole liked the idea and they went to buy the tea .

When they reached inside mystake was her usual self. She brought out some tea of truth and Jay became curious and asked about a mural in the back of the room .

Lloyd and Jay stayed while Zane and Cole went for interrogation.

Mystake narrated the story and Lloyd wasnt really interested as he practically knew all this . He pretended and somehow Jay bought it .

Cole and Zane were walking in the police station holding the teas . Cole slipped and mixed the two teas.

Cole accidently drank the tea of truth and revealed half their plans . Luckily Luke didnt reveal anything .

On the bounty Nya smirked at harumi and harumi didn't understand.harumi in confusion asked ,"Uhh Nya why are you smirking " . Nya smirked and spoke ,"oh rumi , its pretty obvious you and Cole like each other ". Harumi was a little irritated at the statement because she lik-no loved Lloyd but she didn't know if he returned it .

Harumi didn't want to continue on this topic and she just left the room . Luckily Lloyd and Jay came back . Jay and Nya went for a date and left the bounty with Lloyd and harumi .

Harumi found that now was the best time she would tell lloyd . Lloyd was steering the ship and harumi guestered Lloyd to follow .

He kept the bounty on autopilot and followed . Harumi bought Lloyd to the railing and spoke ," Lloyd ..... I wanted to say something "

L: hmm yes

Harumi takes a deep breath and with shaky breath

" Llo-lloyd i-ii lik- no love you like a lot "

"I-ii i-ii lo-love you too rumi "

Saying this they both embrace and decide on dating . Cole and Zane came back five minutes later.

When they reached back to the bounty Lloyd didn't show it on his face but was really very happy that Luke didnt reveal anything so was harumi .

At midnight they both snuck out and went to the s.o.g base . Which unlike the streets was buzzing with noise . Everyone turned to their leaders as Lloyd and harumi walked down to the stage holding hands .

UV and Kilo stood there and noticed the two's Intertwirled hands . UV smirked and kilo lightly wistled .

They parted their hands and Lloyd spoke
"Although luke has been caught he is still loyal i need the same loyalty from you all "

H:"Oh and also The next attack is at primevals eye so who's with us "

" Us !!!! " Everyone exclaimed . Lloyd smirked and then spoke up
"That's not the only the thing though "

They lifted their now Intertwirled hands for everyone to see . Everyone cheered and whooped for them . They brought each other into a kiss and everyone was cheering for them .

They went back to the bounty and slept happily . They were headed to primevals eye as during dinner Cole found the map to the third mask .

Harumi very well hid her anger but then again she wanted things to hurry up . Lloyd caught on and gave a ' Don't mess it up ' face .

The disscusion had occured during the whole Dinner and after the two returned home at night they sneaked into their rooms to sleep .

Harumi was just about drift into a dream when she heard a knock .

"Knock Knock Knock "

H:"Who's there "

A voice behind the door spoke
"Chillaxe ruru it's me Cole "

Cole was trying to be cocky and this made harumi hate him more . She moaned ( Shut up dirty minded idiots )and opened the door . She really just wanted to sleep but nope !! Cole existed .

Cole then spoke ,"I'm sorry if you were sleeping but ....."

Harumi who at this point had no patience spoke rudely ,"Actually yes i was sleeping so good night "

She closed the door and went back to sleep . Cole muttered to himself
"well that went well "

The next morning everyone met for breakfast . Cole was blushing whenever he looked at harumi . Harumi was irritated by this and so was Lloyd but he tried to hide it .

Pixal's voice blares on the system
" There is a foreign presence in my system "

"How ????" Lloyd thought to himself Zane was very much standing here so was Cole . He turned to an equally confused harumi . They knew they had to know more .

Pixal then confessed that she was samurai X and the others were shocked . Then "pixal" attacked the bounty and in the process harumi fell . In a chain reaction Cole jumped as well .

No matter how much it compelled him to jump he couldn't . He had to stay onto plan .

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