Kato Plays With A Dead Rat

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When dusk hit, Kato and Traice decided to settle down, using the shop's supplies to camp. "So..." Traice said, "How do we feed Estelle?"

Kato rolled his eyes, "She's a ghost she doesn't need to be fed. Besides.." he lifted the crucifix, showing it to Traice, "How would we even feed this."

Traice backed, "okay, okay, I was joking don't be so serious." She leaned backward, "I'm sorry about your girlfriend though. I was just trying to lighten this..awkward mood y'know?"

"It's fine, I guess." He looked behind him, glancing in strange directions, "I'm going to go hike for materials; maybe I can find more stuff to help me improve my spells." He took the crucifix and his bag with him as he rose.

Traice lowered her eyebrow, "Sure. Don't die, loser."

She was left with no response.


Hiking alone, Kato tried to ease the millions of worries in his mind. In all his honesty, he wasn't even comfortable sleeping near Traice who even knows if that girl would kill him or not. Not to mention the fact that she threw him across the room, with little ease! Or the fact that her body moved robotically as she fought- as if it were practiced, and what scared him the most- the hand regeneration. He couldn't be alone with her.

Sitting down, he set the crucifix onto a pile sticks and begged for mercy, "Estelle," he started, "please don't kill me, please don't kill me." Gingerly, he poured all the materials out of his bag, searching around for something of use. He wasn't particularly good at magic, but he could do use it and maybe reverse his mistake of entrapping her. He should've let her join of her free will; she was Estelle, not some monster, right?

Nothing, there was nothing in this stupid bag that could help him. He groaned as he picked up a stick and started to trace out a pentagram. It also dawned on him that he probably needed somebody else to help with the seance... ugh! What was he supposed to do- walk up to Traice with no new materials and just be like, "Hey. I need help summmoning a demon!" He rolled his eyes at his stupidity.

"Whatever." He remarked, "As they always say: being alone makes the dream work." So he went to work, he didn't have many proper supplies so he made do with what he had. As he finished making his mini fires- his replacement for candles- he took a look at his finished product and scoffed. "Wow I really am shit at what I do."

Despite this, he placed the crucifix right in the middle and sat down. He had nobody to hold hands with, so he held his own hand, as he tried to lead the summoning, "Uhm..ghost, I am Estelle. I don't know your last name so I'm not sure how to piss you off so..I uh...if you wish to join me in the human realm, here's uh..a little invitation to say hi. I guess. If you don't want to kill me?"

Nothing happened. "Okay I don't know anything about a seance." He grabbed the crucifix and his bag and made his way back to camp, "I was stupid for leaving her- especially with all the monsters lingering about." But before he could do anything he was knocked out.


Traice loved wallowing in self-pity. The boy obviously just took his supplies and ditched her. What did she expect? He got what he wanted- his hot girlfriend and some free stuff. She leaned down, looking into the fire they built. It just felt wrong that they fought so much together and he repaid  her by fleeing the scene. It made her feel weak; it made her feel pointless.

But then her superior senses came into hand, her feeling the presence of a human miles away; a very angry human at that, it wasn't Kato, by now she knew what his presence felt like- but it was someone similar. Someone she's met before. Grabbing a pointy stick, she put herself in a ready  position. This human was accelerating toward her and she wasn't taking any chances. As the human started to slow, she figured it was safe to track them down and jump them.

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