A Friendly Confrontation, I think.

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Kato had been reading for hours, though none of the stories particularly caught his interest, it was better than withering away in the cell.

"The basics of Human Growth & Development!" The boy happily gasped, "Finally a book that isn't about-"

"Ahem." Kato jumped at the sound as he looked turned around, a certain grumpy brunette was staring him down with a pout so unthreatening that Kato broke into a laughter with so much joy that the hyenas would envy his amusement.

"This isn't funny" Clara said, her eyes throwing daggers, "I give you so many warnings, and you never listen!" the guard stomped, as a way to emphasize her anger.

"Sorry." Kato said, moving the book aside, not even bothering to dispose of it. "I just get carried away at times. Thanks for your leniency though, greatly appreciate it." He flashed her a smile, one that insinuated a friendship, this displeased the guard.

"You know what?" She said, shaking her head in disbelief, "I don't care anymore. I don't care about your ridiculous shenanigans and I don't care about your strange obsession with banned books." she started to stomp away as she usually did after arguing with Kato, but she stopped midway in her tracks. "Ya know what?" She added, turning back to meet Kato's gaze, "I'm excited to see what the higher ranks do with you after they find out about your disobedience." On that note, she stomped away, leaving Kato shocked that there was a backbone beneath all of her loyalty.


Clara sat alone in her tiny office- adorned with barely anything but old photos from a place she used to regard as home. She tried to remember it but all she could think about is her annoying job- and more specifically- the annoying inmate named Kato. The boy seemed to know how to put her in a bad mood- no- a furious mood! Clara had been contemplating what she said for a while- hesitating to tell her co-workers about the little brat. Because though it seemed so easy and relieving to expose the little redhead of his terrible behavior, it also sent a shiver or guilt through her- it's always felt wrong that the higher ranks had imprisoned a teenager here-a teenager! Clara tried to shake it off, but deep down she knew that her guilt was here to stay.


She jumped at the sound of her name, the voice was deep and husky- threatening- she didn't even have to look to know who was regarding her. Renfred- tall, cocky, and someone who could easily get her in trouble. She trembled in her seat.

"Yes, Renfred?" She said, her voice wavering as she attempted not to make direct eye contact with the higher rank.

"You seem...nervous." The man stood tall, looking at the girl as if she were nothing more than a fly, "care to tell me why?"

She gulped, Clara really didn't want to tell him- she wanted to keep her morals; to keep the kid away from trouble. But she knew better.

"Forgive me," the girl started slowly moving her eyes to meet his, "Theres a prisoner causing me trouble.."

The man's eyebrows raised, "Hm? Whom is this prisoner?"

Clara took a deep breath, "Number 7. He's been reading banned books and discarding my warnings." She noticed the pure fury forming on the face of Renfred, and she was hit with a wave of instant regret.

But that rage faded within seconds, with a sly grin replacing it, "Ah." The man responded, "I see."

Clara could only imagine what he was thinking- what sort of crazy punishment he was planning. How could she give in so easily? Why were there butterflies in her stomach-eating her alive? She had to get rid of this feeling- this guilt that was going to quite literally be the death of her.

"Don't do anything too bad!" Clara let that slip, oh no she let that slip! A waterfall of sweat rolled down her back. The man stared her down with a look that could only be described as threatening. Clara took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully, "he's just a kid, sir. A dumb and naive kid."

The man's smile faded as he turned around, not even bothering to look the girl in the eye, "He's not just a kid. He's a criminal."

"I know but-"

"There is no 'but' he sees the dead, Clara. He's a threat; a force of evil. Just as bad as those who eliminated your family!"

Clara's heart stopped beating, her eyes starting to water as her voice trembled with pain, "My family was killed by vengeful spirits filled with hate." she stood up, "not a child. Not a teenager who is hated for just existing." Clara let herself be consumed by her own wrath, not bothering to rethink any of her actions, "You are not allowed to bring my parents into this! Your cruelty is leading to thousands of innocent lives suffering!" The man slowly turned around, his face painted with pure rage. Clara continued anyway, "you're all cowards, nothing but a bunch of cowards scared of who or what could ever match your power! That's why he's locked away isn't it? Just because you're afraid of what he might-"

"No." The man interrupted, his voice a strange calm, the kind that no sane human being would ever want to hear, "He was caught fiddling around with a ghost. They were trying to fight our forces. He is not innocent. He does not deserve mercy."

Clara was speechless. She was convinced of his innocence that he would never..."no." She mumbled, "It can't be that I..." she felt so foolish, spewing all that came to her mind without even an ounce of hesitation, and even worse, all of it had been in vain- she had been wrong!

Renfred let loose another one of his cold grins, "I'm glad you've revealed your true colors, Clara. I appreciate the honesty." He inched toward her, looking down to her with one of his authoritative glances, "the boy shall get a punishment worthy of his crime. And as for you...." His smile became uncomfortably wide, "I have something special in mind for you."

Clara didn't come to work the next morning.

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