Luan Seeks Out Romance

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Bram hated his job- it was tedious, difficult, and full of spiteful co-workers, not to mention the angsty prisoners that did nothing but complain. All he wanted to do was go home and eat potato chips. But this is his job- and he had to accept it.

"Hello?" Bram turned around to see a meek girl, short and petite, her face one of a mouse. Her hair was platinum blonde and her cheeks were rosy, she was adorable. "Forgive me." She whispered, her tone gentle and sweet, "I'm a new worker here, and I need some help."

Bram raised his eyebrow, he was told to keep his guard up after the escape of two prisoners, and a mysterious girl claiming to be "new here" was anything but trustworthy. He creeped toward the girl, "May I see your ID?"

The girl blushed a brighter red, "Is it that necessary?"

"Uhm..yes it is, ma'am. Sorry."

The girl moped as she searched her pockets, "Okay.." her face seemed genuine enough, and she did hand over her ID. Luna Aurora, it claimed she had been working here for years.

The man shook his head, " says you've with us for two years, I thought you said you were new?"

Luna blushed more, "Ugh I'm sorry! The truth is I have been working here for awhile- and- I've always had my eyes for you." She inched toward him, pinning him against the wall.


"My love for you- I- it doesn't compare."

The man devilishly smiled, "I could get used to this," he kissed the girl, and she returned the gesture.

Backing away, she asked him a question, "But seriously, I do need some help." his eyebrows lowered, disappointed that his make out session was interrupted, the girl cringed, "My love."

The man groaned, "What for?"

"I've just been so distracted for my feelings for you- that I'm not even sure who were the prisoners that ran away-" she blushed even more, "I'm just so forgetful-sorry."

"Ah." The man remarked, glad he could continue his talk with the attractive woman, "Some stupid nobodies going by the names of Traice and Kato, it's nothing to worry about m'lady."

"Huh." The girl remarked, tucking her hair behind her ear, "What does this..Traice look like?"

The man arched his eyebrow, "listen if you came here to interview me I'm not interested. I will continue to kiss you though."

The girl gave an awkward look, then started fanning herself over dramatically, "I'm just-worried! I'm scared that you'll like her more than me." She leaned against the boy in a flirtatious gesture, "Please elaborate on her looks- how pretty is she?"

"Oh I see-" he said snickering, "You're so hot when you're jealous! She has black hair and red eyes- she's pretty hot if you ask me." The girl gave him a strange look, "But not as hot as you, no worries there."

The girl grinned, then gave him a look of awe, "Oh thank you, fine gentlemen! Your help has been greatly appreciated!" She started to leave his office, and he rose.

"What about our make out session?"

The girl cringed, then gave him a flirty smile, "we can continue tonight if that's okay with you? On a condition: you tell me where this Tracy girl is."

The man became giddy, "Oh yes! She was last seen in the woods from what I've heard!"

The girl blew a kiss, and exited the room. Once she was gone, he started gleefully dancing around his room, he had a girlfriend- someone to keep him entertained in this miserable excuse of a job. "I love women!!" He sang, swinging around his chair.

But his dance-session was interrupted by another one of his co-workers- he had never seen the girl before but her look was frantic and full of worry. "Luna Aurora has been murdered!"

The man stopped in his tracks, "Uhm..what?"

"Her body was found this morning- the amount of dead workers are multiplying!" He gave the woman a side-eye. "Why are you staring at me like that? Do you not believe me?!"

"I literally just made out with her."

The girls eyes widened, "I-what?"

"Are you sure it was Ms. Aurora that died- and that wasn't just some other dead person."

The girl stomped her foot and crossed her arms, "Yes, I'm not stupid!"

"Gee okay- you women always get upset over the dumbest shit." he leaned against the doorway and looked at his watch, "But maybe you should make sure-"

The girl was fuming, "I am sure- and so are your various other co-workers- ugh you are so sexist and annoying, Bram!"

Bram gave the girl a look of horror, "Wait how do you know my name?!"

The girl looked tempted to pull out her hair, "I'm your assistant, dumbass!"

"Ohhh..." the man looked at his coffee mug, and took a whiff of it as if there were nothing wrong, "I thought you looked familiar, whoops."

And just like that, Bram left the sight, without a care in the world with who-or what- he made out with.


Luan was puking.

Rolling her eyes, Sorine gave the boy a look of disapproval, "You know keep crying about it but it was necessary- do you care about this mission or not?"

Luan held his throat, his face sickly pale and his hand holding his stomach, "You try kissing that guy- he was so gross!!"

Sorine ignored his complaints, "Did you get any valuable information about the girl?"

Luan took a deep breath, trying to keep it together, "Her name is Traice and she has black hair and red eyes- and apparently she's hot?"

Sorine kicked him in the balls, "Ew, you disgust me!"

"That was his words not mine!"

"I don't care, go find Jesus you hopeless piece of shit." Sorine took a deep breath, and recollected herself, "Did he say anything about her whereabouts?"

"Apparently she ran into the woods, not sure if that's true though." He started pondering, Sorine curious on what was going through his mind.

"Shall we look there then?" Sorine suggested, her hands on her hips.

"Guess so." He said, spreading his wings out, "Want a ride?"

Sorine cringed at the thought of riding on his back, "Nah I'm good. I can fly on my own."

So the two departed into the woods: eager to find Traice and bring her to The Exterminators.

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