Where's Your Hero Now, Loser!

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"Once upon a time, there lived a small family. A family similar to many, average, and loving. Just as many loving families do, the Father chucked his daughter into a well to suffer and meet her supposed death. Or so he thought. What this loving father had overlooked, was the possibility of living; the possibility that a paranormal being would save the girl and leave her scarred with a curse of seeing the dead for the rest of her years, what a lucky girl! Now if you're interested, buy our merchandise to help support our cause of causing human families to suffer, I promise it'll be-"

Kato shut his book closed and pitied himself. "Damn. No wonder these sorry excuses of stories are banned." He threw the book into a pile of many, lying in the corner of his tiny, cramped cell. "I miss good stuff." he complained, perching himself down on the freezing cement.

A brunette approached his cell, her and she peeked at the mess of books he had made, "Still reading that trash?" Her messy bun and bloodshot eyes told Kato all he had to know about how good of a mood Clara would be in, "Kato you can't keep doing this! If my boss finds out about you reading those things, I could get fired! Do you know what this means?"

Kato shrugged, "I have to be more discreet? I mean it's kinda hard to hide these things when you don't provide us with any fun decorations-"

"No!" Clara squeezed her fists tight, and took a deep breath, "If you get caught. I'll get fired and be replaced with someone who won't show mercy to your reckless shenanigans. I'm not a woman who enjoys yelling but you have to be more wary of your actions."

Kato nodded, "Understood.." he let out a childish smile, "Mom."

Clara rolled her eyes and stomped away, with her hands on her hips as if she had any real authority. Kato chuckled as he reached in his pile of trashy books as he read the title out loud, "Tips For Ghost Hunting"


The training grounds of The Exterminators was a place that no mortal wanted to be. Full of battle cries and vengeful spirits, it was easy for any average human to cower and run away, but Traya was no average human.

"Faster!" Screamed Traya, a short yet mighty brunette, "Ugh, if you're going at that speed you'll die within seconds!" Traya had been training Sorine, a swift ghost that could be easily mistaken for a lightning rod.

Sorine moaned, the last thing she wanted was a crazy human blabbering on about intense training and battle. "I'm trying, Traya. But I've been at this for hours, I know what I'm doing: I need a challenge!"

Traya clenched her teeth, she was disgusted by the laziness of her mentee, but she also knew that losing her mind in front of The Exterminators would be ridiculous and irrational, so she kept herself together and warned her immature protege, "I just hope that this 'challenge' I'll be giving you, won't result in a banishment to the Veil."

Sorine kept her assertive stance, "Yeah fine, challenge me, go ahead, I don't care; I'm immortal. Even if a couple humans find out how to banish me that won't stop me from electrifying them to death."

Traya chuckled, "Glad you've given me formal permission to do whatever the hell I want with you. Been wanting to dispose of you for a while." She paused, leaving time for Sorine to pay notice to the threatening grin painted across her mentors face, "There's an errand I need you to do, you see. I have a monster, locked in my chambers, whom I am sure will be excited for the opportunity I'm about to present to him. I hope you're fond of strange creatures because you'll be sent on a mission with one."

Sorine attempted to hold back the overwhelming amounts of thunder escaping her body, but unfortunately for Sorine, self control was not a speciality that most of the dead possessed, "I will not be going on a mission with one of those things." She tried her best to sound demanding, but deep down Sorine knew that Traya would never back down, "I know I agreed but-"

"If you knew you agreed, there's no need to talk about it. I'll be abolishing your training, and replacing them with your new and 'challenging' mission. You're welcome." Traya stared down the ghost, as if waiting for her to explode into nothing but a sparkler in its final minutes of light. Traya waited for a response, perhaps a stubborn one, or maybe even a submissive one, but her trainee was not budging. She had the same lost look on her face, as if she were staring into space. "Don't be so overdramatic." Traya reassured, approaching the specter, "it might be dangerous. And hey, maybe you'll even die along the way! There's no reason to be complaining!"

Sorine wanted to scream, no not just scream, she wanted to snap. Murder Traya and show just how good she's gotten at fighting, but she stood down. For even if Traya was nothing but a pile of ash, she would still find a way to influence others; still find a way to make everybody but her the prey, and challenging somebody like that was not a line Sorine was willing to cross.

"Understood." Sorine said, bowing to her master. "I hope that one day you'll forgive me for my bad judgement."

Traya looked at Sorine, and merely laughed. One of Traya's favorite parts of her job was humiliating those with pride; to make those who think themselves of powerful to believe that they were nothing more than one soul out of millions. She knew she had succeeded. Then she excused herself from the training grounds, walking away with a posture that asserted her power. All the bystanders stood there in shock, worried that if they made one wrong move that they'd be having a monster field-trip as well.

Sorine silently pitied herself, drooping down like a wilted flower, "How did I get myself into this mess..?"

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