Shattered Dreams

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Ninjago Dragons Rising: Season 2 Episode 2

Word Count: 4,5k

Warning: Extra and different scenes from the original.

(I feel like including adding extra scenes and musical parts is starting to come back to me in season 2.)

Suetonius: Writers of Destiny, your attention please. (The Writers of Destiny stop writing.) No, keep writing, it's your only job. Just also pay attention. (The Writers of Destiny continue writing.) Ever since Christina revealed herself as the Purple ninja to the cloud kingdom, something I personally supported from the very beginning, we've learned our writing is not the only way we can influence the world. We can also... uh, what is it again, Marcus?

Marcus: We can do things, Master Writer. Take actions other than writing.

Suetonius: (Laughs.) Yes, a bold new idea. And the first thing we want to do is make this place more fun. So, let's spitball fun ideas. Hit me!

Male Writer 1: I don't know, bagels?

Suetonius: Uh. I think bigger.

Marcus: Oh, oh. Merlopian T-Shirt Day?

Suetonius: Mucoid Hat Mondays. Yes! Love.

Male Writer 1: Seriously, all anyone wants is bagels.

Female Writer 1: Uh lend me a spare quill. Something's wrong with mine.

Male Writer 1: A quill that won't write? (He tries to write something, but nothing comes out.) Wait, mine isn't writing.

(The Writers of Destiny are surprised why their quills stopped writing.)

Male Writer 2: My quill isn't writing.

Female Writer 2: What's going on?

Suetonius: Why did you stop working? We want you to work the same amount, just be funner about it.

Male Writer 1: We're trying to but our quills aren't working.

Marcus: This has literally never happened before in... ever. Maybe it's the ink?

(The Writer hands Suetonius a quill and he looks at it.)

Suetonius: It's not the ink. It is said that when the Writers of Destiny can no longer write, something is coming. Something so dreadful, even destiny herself cannot stop it.

(The Writers of Destiny are surprised. Suddenly, the Writers feel a crash. They see Ras and his Wolf Clan emerge from the fog in front of them.)

Suetonius: Summon the purple ninja. The Cloud Kingdom is an extreme peril. Let us hope it is not already too late.


(Outside the Kingdom of Imperium, Percival Tartigrade explains changes about their kingdom to some Imperians.)

Percival: Look, everyone. Isn't it beautiful? (He points at Imperium.) And now that Empress Beatrix is gone, we can make Imperium all we've dreamed it could be. Together. Like gardens, sustainable power sources, more than one flavor of tea. And we'll open the city to everyone. From Ninjago and beyond. (The Imperians applaud Percival for his speech.) The sky is the... lim... it? (Percival sees something falling from the sky and then crashes to the ground.) What is that? (Percival goes over and sees Christina on the ground injured.)

Christina: Help.

(Percival decided to help Christina.)


A new beginning // Ninjago Dragons Rising x Reader and BrotherKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat