The Blood Moon

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Dragons Rising: season 2 episode 1

Word count: 5,9k (Longest chapter I have ever made, wowie!)

Warning: Extra scenes, I think.

(Lord Ras and Jordana are walking through a dark forest.)

Jordana: I can't believe all of this is here. In Imperium, we were always taught the Wyldness was nothing but lava pools and gross melons.

Ras: The Lava Wastes are but one region of my land. There are many others. Diamond Glaciers, the Forever Rock, Boiling Beach, and here, the Forest of Spirits. You self-obsessed Imperians never thought you'd had to deal with anything beyond your own borders. But now, after the Merge, no one can ignore what's right outside their door.

(Ras cuts the leaves on the path to reveal a temple.)

Jordana: (gasps) What is that?

Ras: Our destination.

(Ras and Jordana approach the temple.)

Ras: Give it to me.

(Jordana gives Ras the capsule of dragon energy. He takes it, opens the cap, and the dragon energy shoots up into the sky and then surges into the ground, opening the gates of the temple.)

Ras: According to the ancients of my land, these doors were sealed long ago, intended to never be opened, except by a power of a Source Dragon.

Jordana: That's why you had me keep some of that Source Dragon energy.

Ras: Exactly. Imperium has crumbled, but my ultimate plans have not. And now, I will accomplish what no one has accomplished for centuries. I shall harness the forbidden secrets of this temple.

(Ras enters the temple. Jordana follows.)

Jordana: Hold on. Not all of us have your natural night vision.

(Jordana looks at her surrounding and sees Wolf Masks hanging on a wall. Her and Ras then enter into a large chamber, featuring a giant gate holding a gong.)

Ras: Behold, the key unlocking the dark powers of a lost age. When the blood moon arrives, we will assemble the most powerful beings in the Merged Realms.

(Ras holds up a Wolf Mask.)

Ras: Then no one will be able to stop us.

(Jordana gasps.)


(In Ninjago City, someone films two breakdancers about to start dancing when the Mechanic arrives, activates two robotic tentacles on his back and prepares to attack them, only for Arin to quickly grab them and drops them off far away. The Mechanic then notices the individual and starts to head for them, smirking, only for Arin, in his Spinjitzu tornado, came back at him and knocks him back before doing a backwards spinning kick and stomps him onto a purple car before bouncing off him to the edge of a rooftop, which he grabbed and backflips onto it)

Arin: (comes back to wave his hands to taunt the Mechanic) Up here, bolts for brains!

(Annoyed, the Mechanic uses one of the tentacles to knock the car onto its roof, alarm going off in the process, and started to use them to climb up the building to Arin and B/N, only to hear something and they, as well as the individual turn to where the noise was coming from as the phone continued filming to see it was Lloyd in his Spinjitzu tornado, who charges at the Mechanic as the individual follows Lloyd striking the Mechanic aside and lands on top of a lamppost, where he takes off his hood and looks up to Arin and B/N, who does the same before noticing the individual and waves at the camera as multiple hearts and comments appear on the phone)

A new beginning // Ninjago Dragons Rising x Reader and BrotherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ