Quest Of Battle||(Tug Of War)

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"Please.....anyone! Help!!!"
The screams and the panting of a young girl was heard as she ran through the dark and gloomy road.

She was being chased by dark figures but why her? What could be their motif?

"Anyone"She screamed as tears poured out of her eyes for she knew that if she paused to take some rest,that would mean death to her but she had to.

With that she went to a nearby house and knocked hardly.

"Anyone please I'm begging you help me!!!"She shouted."OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!"

"Stop making such noises."A woman said at the other side of the door."Poor girl. You should have stayed in your house watching a movie."

"You don't understand."She shouted as she saw those horrid looking figures slowly making themselves to her.

"Get out of here and don't bother us."

"Please those things are chasing me"She cried as her heart beat wildly in her chest."I....I don't know what they are. Please let me in."

"Mommy she's crying. We should open the door."

"No son. "His mother reprimanded."People like her are to pay for breaking simple rules. Sorry."She said."I can't let you in. So leave."

"But I might die."

"There's nothing I can do about it."

She knelt down hoping for a way to make her get out of this trouble. But what rule was the woman talking about? Was this the rule? Not to go out at night?

She quickly got herself up and ran with those questions flooding in her head but luck was not on her side. She mistakenly stepped on her shoelace and fell hardly.

They unfortunately made their way to her and yanked her to a nearby tree.

""She whispered as her blood poured out of her face.
Looking at things here,she knew no one would have mercy on her. Why were people so wicked she asked herself. Why are they so heartless?

Suddenly she was lifted and thrown on the hard road with her blood pasted on it.
She tried to get up but her body did not respond. Her eyes became heavy as she winced in pain.

"You should have stayed home young girl."A voice said as she traced where it came from."You should have sticked to the deal or should I say the law."

"I don't know what you are talking about."She cried out but her cries seemed to be mockery to them and with that they laughed very coldly.

"You should have been told. You're new here but don't worry, everything will be alright."He said and darkly smiled. That smile,that face and those red looking eyes brought so much fright to her.
It almost pulled her soul out of her body.
"Now that you will be going to that creator of yours."

"Please."She begged. He voice became hoarse."Don't kill me....I'm begging you."

"Greet your creator for me."
He smiled at her sorrowful face as tears never stopped pouring out.
She was like a mouse in a trap before their eyes but there was no way they would allow her to leave freely. It was a law and anyone who broke it should be punished.

"Any last words?"He asked as he grinned on the last word.

All she hoped was at least a person or a thing to get her out of this doom. Was this her punishment? Was this her punishment for just walking around in the night?

"Is this the end?"She asked herself."Is this my end?"
She finally calmed down and closed her heavy eyes ready to embrace death.

"Yes. Greet the devil for me."

Quest Of Battle II-(Tug Of War)Where stories live. Discover now