Cherished Massage Session.

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The following morning.

Nikki woke up in Casey's bed.
"How much did I drink last night?"
"More than you should have."

"and did we...?" Nikki asked
"Not exactly no. You just let me make love to your feet. I loved it by the way." Nikki raised an eyebrow.

"Foot fetish. I love women's feet." Casey said hiding her face in her hands.
Nikki chuckled. "What brought you to such a sickening fetish? No offense"

"none taken. In college my best friend and I would sometimes share a bed, we were both straight back then. Every time I got in her bed and slept upside down, her feet smelled like cocoa butter, and this intense fragrance that she still has even today. I would use her pretty feet as my pillow, and I would kiss them when she was deep in her sleep, and eventually, they made me horny. So fucking horny I would always claim to be going through something for me to share her bed. I developed a crush, she turned me gay. I love feet"

"Is this the friend you told me was getting hitched? Are you gonna be okay? Before I leave you..."
."You are sweet, but yes I'm a big girl."
"good. I gotta go. Thanks for a night my feet will remember"
Casey burst out laughing. Nikki left. She got on a plane to New York City.

At Fantasia's.

Fantasia was having breakfast with Rosey while on a video call with her Cousin Crystal and the boys.

Doorbell. Rosey got it. Penda walked in.
Fantasia wrapped up her phone call.

"Can we talk?" Penda asked, it was a polite way to dismiss Rosey. She got the message and excused herself.

"We can talk Penda, we can do whatever you want baby but... Where are your bags, where is Aliyah?"

"That is what I came to talk to you about..."
"Penda you scaring me"
Penda sighed. "I love you, so much baby so, so much," Penda said. "Oh God, you breaking up with me?"

"I have a question for you. Why did you never choose me all these years, you chose other women over me, I loved you so hard Fantasia, I loved you I couldn't see a flaw, I saw you, and I would do anything for you, but you used me as a prop to complete your revenge mission, you couldn't even choose me over your fake wife, and then your real wife came along... Boy, you changed on me, you went soft on me, you definitely made it clear that you were never gonna choose me over her. But I kept choosing you, I'm still choosing you, why haven't you done the same for me? I guess what I'm asking here Fantasia is, why couldn't you love me the way I loved you?"

"Penda I love you more than anything in this whole damn world. My heart chose you before I could choose for myself. You are in my heart baby. I'm sorry I was very mean and I played with your emotions in the past. But I'm here now, I want this thing to work out. I love you, I want to marry you"

"Okay baby, I will be your wife, if you tell me the truth, am I now worth marrying 'cause I have your baby and I got my shit together?" Penda asked. Fantasia swallowed hard. Penda snorted. "Oh my gosh, you couldn't choose me because I was an unqualified, uneducated, ex-trophy wife who was trapped mopping your floor. I was nothing to you, but a piece of trash-_"

"That's not true."

"What is the truth?" Penda shouted. "I didn't wanna fix you. I tend to fix people in my life and they end up leaving me. Since I was only 16, I used my parent's money to fix people. I also did that with our ex-husband, with Monica, I fixed my cousin's kids as well, in a way, and now look... Penda I nearly did that with you, you would be gone too. I didn't want you to leave me" Fantasia said. "You rich kids, fix? Are you fucking kidding me right now? You call it fixing? Fantasia you are entitled and snobby and egotistical, but guess what you and Nikki don't have in common? Pride. She's selfless, she's thoughtful, she's sweet. She didn't care what I went through or what I was going through she loved me, supported me, and believed in me. And now, she's gone, she left me so that I could be with you. Give me one good reason why I should really be with you?"
Penda asked.

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