The Magic Touch.

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Penda went back to Fantasia's house around 8 cause her wife was not home yet.
When she got there, Nikki was hungover and still sleeping in the guest room. The boys and Rosey were eating breakfast.
"Morning Fam, where is Liyah?" Penda asked them. "in Julian's room."
She nodded and marched there.

She heard Fantasia's soft voice singing a nursery song while Liyah tried to sing along, they were Laughing hard. Penda smiled a little and then frowned before knocking.

Fantasia turned while feeding the baby.
"Hey, I'm sorry if I overstepped, I promised to take care of her, I was trying to do that..."
"You don't have to apologize, You are her mother, gosh I can't get my wife to bond with her like this. I guess blood is indeed thicker than wine" Fantasia chuckled a little. "than water..." she corrected.
"no it's wine. Red wine. They are both red, the thickness is the only way to tell them apart".
Penda defended. Fantasia looked her in the eyes, impressed by that. "what?"
."nothing. Blood is thicker than wine, it is stuck" Fantasia said. Penda smiled, "I will go wake up my wife, you just continue doing whatever beautiful thing you got going on in here," Penda said and kissed her daughter, who didn't even cry for her, or pay attention to her. She was in good hands.

Penda walked to the door.
"After you got your family home can we please sit down like adults and talk about Liyah? Please!" Fantasia begged. Penda sighed. "Tasia I won't change my mind. Nikki is legally her mother, I don't wanna complicate things. You can see Liya when Rosey and the boys are babysitting, but if you push further, I will take her away and you will never see her again. Is that what you want Fantasia? Cause Aliyah is my child, legally, and you signed a contract to let me use your eggs, you can't take me to court, she's my child and Nikki's. If you keep pushing, I will take a step you won't like, and trust me, I don't care about you and how you feel so I will do this without feelings making me feel otherwise. So appreciate the privileges I am giving you or lose them all is entirely up to you" Penda said carelessly and walked out.
Fantasia felt her heart breaking.
She breathed deeply to turn to the little girl.
"I am full mummy!" Aliyah said, Fantasia's heart pounded. "What?"
"I'm not hungry anymore."
"no baby repeat what you just said"
. "what?" Aliyah said frustrating Fantasia.
She clenched her teeth cause she would have sworn the baby called her mummy.

Nikki came to fetch the baby. The baby hugged Fantasia before they left.
"Thank you for taking good care of her," Nikki said on her way out.

Fantasia tossed the teddy bear she had in her hands and kicked the crib, eyes watering.
She plopped on the couch, brushing her hair all the way back. She felt torn by the situation.

As if that was not enough. She got a call a few days later.
Tasia: Fantasia...
Caller: hey Cuz, is Crystal. I'm out on parole, I would like to meet you, see my boys, and talk about taking them back. (Fantasia was feeling all sorts of emotions, she wanted to scream)
Tasia you there?
Tasia: Sure. I will talk to them and meet you...
Caller: I wanna meet them tomorrow. I got a good job and a new place in California, I need my kids home. Let's meet at your house tomorrow.
She hung up on Fantasia.

Fantasia swallowed hard. All of this hurt like shit, she was starting to think God was punishing her or showing her that she was not cut out to be a mother. She went to the home theatre to talk to the boys, her heart was hurting so bad, cause why did she have to do this hurtful thing?

She stepped inside.  "Mom, did you see that? now that's Legendary." Jadan said making a victory celebratory move. Rosey laughed watching from the back. Fantasia faked a smile and turned off the screen.

"Mom!" Julian complained.
"boys, come closer to me, I need to talk to you" She began. They joined her, Rosey was now watching them. "You know I love you right?"
"Mama, what's going on?"
"Crysie called... She's out on parole and wants to see you tomorrow. You might be going home with her"

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