The "other" Night

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(probably read this already, but now let's focus on the chapter, shall we?)

The movie shoot began.

Penda was dating and bringing her new boo to work, a 20-something girl. Also known as roommate. Her name was Ariana.

Fantasia was jealous and upset about it so much that she canceled the first two days of the movie shoot. They had to reschedule 6 days later. Fantasia needed to calm herself and get used to the idea of Penda with another woman.

A new day.
Fantasia and her sexual frustrations came to work, but as far as other issues, she was working on ignoring them, today she was determined to focus on work and making it productive. She walked on set, Holding a bottle of water and the script but She looked hot in her blue denim tight dress with black leather boots. Everybody with eyes couldn't just ignore how hot the woman was. Penda looked at her. "damn!" she muttered under her breath.

"Hi, team, today is another day, we are gonna shoot the hell out of this movie. Okay, there's no time to waste, let's position everyone. Actors, wardrobe now. Are my Cameras in position?
Come on people be alive, breathe life into this or your checks will fucking bounce." she shouted with energy. Everybody started positioning.

Penda was so turned on by this bossy Fantasia. She glanced at her, while others were running around. Fantasia was looking Down on the script. And comparing it with the slate, taking to the person in charge of the slate. She felt Penda's eyes on her and lifted her head. "Something wrong?"

Penda snapped out of it, Wardrobe lady pulled her to the room.

"Scene 5, take 33, seriously I'm not paid enough for this incompetence," Fantasia said.
It was a scene where Felicity had to kiss Taraji but Monica and Penda were having a hard time making it look real, the chemistry was not there, and Fantasia felt frustrated with both of them, here she was putting her feelings about both of them aside and being professional but they were wasting her time."
"Just fucking kiss already, it is really not that hard. Action!" she shouted. Penda leaned, Monica did the same, and they both pulled away.
Fantasia squeezed her script in her hands, clenching her fists and teeth, and then tossed it away...
"Fuck! Mike, I need a recast," Fantasia shouted.
"I told you we can't recast, it's too late now. We need to work with what we have. They both shot amazing scenes they can act in, and Penda is amazing by the way. Maybe let's take 5" Mike told Fantasia.

"Let's take 5. Hey, you too, come here" Fantasia said sitting on her chair.
Monica and Penda walked closer.
"What's the fucking problem? You want me out of the room, what?"

"It just feels weird for me... Maybe let's find body doubles and they could do these romantic scenes for us" Monica suggested. "the entire movie is based on those scenes, That's 65% of the story being body-doubled. I'm not putting my name on a body-doubled movie Ma'am so you two better go and rehearse this shit together right now" Fantasia snapped at her wife. "you could really dial down the anger babe..."

"Mo, I'm not your wife here, stop trying to get special treatment I'm upset with the both of you. You will be my wife when I say we wrap. Right now you are the actress." Fantasia said. Monica stormed away. Penda looked down at Fantasia.
"We are sorry about that. But you seem really uptight and fucking frustrated by the whole thing. Maybe you don't want us to kiss too... I mean you've been trying to recast every single day. Maybe I'm the problem. Maybe I should just quit"
Penda said.
"I don't care what you do Penda," Fantasia said looking into the script. Penda snatched the script. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. Is that it? I'm the problem?"
Fantasia sighed. "No baby, you are actually amazing at acting. You are a really talented Penda. I just haven't been in my best mood and I'm not handling this situation to my best capacity. So, I will skip it and other sex scenes and we will give you girls more time to get prepared" Fantasia said calming down. Her wife couldn't calm her down.
Penda leaned into her ear. "There's the daddy I love and am crazy about" she whispered.

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