Chp. 9: And Then The Wind Came

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It gets pretty intense from here; the #KeDuke ship is on the rocks 🌊. It's honestly heartbreaking. 😰

Music: Like I never even loved you at all by Today kid feat ROMA.


"I can't believe you went ahead to publicize your marriage with that woman" Amanda barged into Duke's office.

"Excuse us Felix" Duke signaled his secretary and with a curt smile, he strode out leaving Duke with his sister.

Amanda slammed her bag on his table, hands crossed, eyes soaked with rage. "How could you? She is not a part of our family"

"She is my wife for God's sake will have to accept her" Duke shot equal rage at her

"I will not...I will never...not in this life...not in the next...not ever! She is not Duke material and no matter how you try to change her, she will never be" Amanda yelled.

Up went his brows, in an angry flare, his eyes drilling hers. "You don't have to like her...heck you don't even have to accept her but damn will respect her. You disrespect disrespect me"

"She is not good for you Duke...she is not from our world...she is not Duke material..."

"That's an erroneous assumption...don't you think?"

"I can tell these things Duke...I see right through her...She's not good for you...she's using you and when she's done, she'll discard you. She's only going to hurt you..." Her voice caved with a subtle cry

"And who's good for me?...Lolade?..." He flipped

"Why not? Your rejection sent her running back to America but I'm sure if you have a rethink she will give you another chance"

Duke chuckled crudely, met her eyes and chuckled again like she was a comic show. "You are know that right?"

"Daddy would never have supported know that and once he comes know he would support me and this sham would be over"

"Daddy can't tell me what to do and neither can you...I am done with this conversation. You are going to do what I say or by God you will regret it" He flared

"What are you going to do?" She held his gaze, hosting a tad bit of fear.

"Oh I'm going to have Stride drop your pet project"

"No you wouldn' can't" She fired

"Oh I can...I am CEO and I hold major shares on the board...I have deciding power. I will do it...just one more time, make her feel the tiniest more time, make her feel the least bit more time won't be more than once more and I will have Bespoke Games dropped immediately" His eyes flared daggers, hosting a chill in his tone that made Amanda shiver.

She sunk into the seat opposite Duke's, meeting his determined gaze. "You're going to do that to me...your sister...because of her?" She let out a bewildered chuckle. She hummed her disbelief, chuckled again and met his eyes. "You will regret this...soon will come to me, broken, wounded and torn and I will tell you that I told you so. Until then..." She stood and with a fierce motion she grabbed her bag. "Enjoy your wish" Her fast strides out the door and a slam followed

Duke's lips puckered and then he swallowed, the argument left a sour taste in his mouth. He could only hope that Amanda had gotten his message or he would have to see his words through. Bespoke games was her first solo project, to develop a software where people could create their own games and play them for a particular time slot. She approached Stride for funding and it was granted. She had dedicated all her time and effort to it and so far it was coming together quite alright; she wouldn't jeopardize all her hard work because of Kemi. She was surely smarter than that. Duke concluded in his thoughts.

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