Chp. 7: Get Out of My head

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Do you like roller coaster rides? 🤗because it's a roller coaster from exciting, intriguing, spine chilling, suspense riveting, time-worthy roller coaster ride🚡

Sola Coker is here🥲

Music: Hearts by Jessie Ware

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Music: Hearts by Jessie Ware

My eyes fluttered several times until it steadied, the image in front of me starting to form. Brown skinned, thick dark brows and lashes that fanned almond hunter eyes, thick brown lens on white pupils, long straight nose and faint red full lips. My foggy eyes worked meticulously through every inch, the sharp collar bones and the neck line exposed by his military vest and suit. Heavy packed chest and strong arms, visible under his fitted uniform. He's not real Kemi! My head screamed.

"Hi Kemi" His lips started a smile and my heart started racing again. I was lying in the brown couch in my store. The last I remembered, I had seen an image through my glass door and all the air in my lungs zapped away and my legs felt too weak they couldn't carry me anymore and now I was here, dipping into this couch and there he was, sitting by the edge with a smile starting to work his eyes. The smile that melted every single part of me but it wasn't real, he wasn't real. He couldn't be. I was certain of it.

My mouth hung open for passing seconds until my words caught up. "You're not real...get out of my head" I shut my eyes and mumbled to myself.


"Don't say my name...just get out of my head" The words escaped my lips with weak breaths.

"I am not in your head Kemi...I am here, right here next to you" His rough alto voice scratched my ears. His eyes dipped into mine.

"No you're're hunting my dreams like you used to. Stop...stop...get out now!" I exclaimed weakly.

His finger moved to the top button of his uniform. My eyes followed his thinking fingers, why was he unbuttoning? What the hell was he doing? My heart rate quickened.

"Touch me" His mouth moved. My eyes fell to the divide of his collar bones, brown and firm. My fingers started to itch, they tweaked slowly and my head screamed again, he's not real Kemi! I ignored it, commanding my index finger to move anyway. I touched him, I gasped, my eyes widened, he was warm, not cold as he had been all the other times I touched him in my dreams. I withdrew my fingers like they had been shocked with current.

"How?..." I swallowed, my eyes scrutinizing him thoroughly. " died"

He shook his head. "I didn't Kemi"

"You did...we buried you. I kissed your coffin" I protested

"I wasn't in it" His voice was soft but firm

I swallowed, my heart taking deep plunges in my chest, my head spinning, what was he saying? What did he mean? It was as if he read the contortions on my face so he continued supplying answers.

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