Chp. 4: Every Girl's Dream

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Music: On purpose by Nico

"Tuesday?...." Kemi's butt pressed lightly into the sewing machine desk as she pondered briefly.

She was on the phone with Tony Lawson, authentic dealer in luxury fabrics and tailoring. Tony had called her two weeks ago to express interest in supplying her exotic fabrics and tailoring some her designs. She was going into mega fashion and she couldn't possibly tailor all her clothes herself so when Duke suggested Tony Lawson, she was floored with gratitude. Duke had earlier hinted her of his call but she was still shocked to her bones when the Tony Lawson, renowned international fabric dealer called to offer his services to a humble designer like herself.

"Yes Tuesday, I guarantee it Mrs. Duke" Tony affirmed clearly.

"All of the samples?" Kemi queried with obvious doubt

"All the samples" Tony affirmed again.

"And the tailoring?" I asked

"You'll have the first batch by Tuesday?"

"Are you sure?" My voice reaked of doubt. The timing for delivery was just to fast. If he really meant it, it had to be one of the fastest delivery in record time.

"I assure you Mrs. Duke" He affirmed again

"And your bill?...I believe we can work out an installment plan"

"Oh don't worry Mrs. Duke, Mr. Duke has settled the payment... in full and some" Kemi could feel his excitement through the phone.

"Oh..." The word hung on her tongue.

Again, Duke didn't bother to mention this crucial part. It was her business after all. His contact yes, but her business still and she wanted to be respected for her skill not merely for being Mr. Duke's wife. She doubted Tony Lawson would share her sentiments now. He probably had her summarized as the clueless, lucky wife.

"O—M—G"  Ruby exclaimed, splurging through the door

Kemi, distracted and immediately taken by a wave of excitement summarized the call. "Okay Tony, Tuesday then"

"Tuesday" Tony responded.

Kemi erroneously scooted off to Ruby and snatched a long hug.

"I missed you" Ruby snuggled her

"I missed you more"  Kemi snuggled tighter, she sniffed her regular vanilla scent, a wide smile of satisfaction rested on her face.

Ruby pulled back to assess her friend more thoroughly. " look like royalty"

"Oh please" Kemi waved her off with a soft blush

"And the award for longest honeymooners goes to Mr and Mrs Duke" She rained claps on her. "You guys didn't want to come back Abi?" Ruby teased

"Duke insisted" Kemi smiled sheepishly

"Awwn... poor baby and you didn't have a choice now" Ruby applied sarcasm

Kemi, laughing, cupped her elbow and led her to the brown tufted couch where they both sat.

Ruby set her bag down and angled her head at Kemi.

"Okay, tell me everything, every single thing, how was it?" Her eyes widened with excitement.

"It was perfect" Kemi blushed from ear to ear.

Ruby nearly squealed. "What happened to I am scared Ruby...I don't know what to do Ruby..." Ruby taunted and they both laughed.

Kemi recovered from laughter and spilled more honeymoon beans. "Duke is the perfect gentle man, he was delicate and gentle and sweet..." Her eyes sparkled and her voice bubbled with excitement.

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