Chp. 8: Luckiest Girl in the World

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Music: Helium by Sia

It was the peak of midnight and I had struggled several hours to find sleep and it had eluded me. The curtains blew with cold wind from the threatenings of rain. I could no longer hold my body prisoner to Duke's embrace especially when it called out for something else. I snuck out of Duke's protective arms and found comfort in the solitude of our King-sized bathroom. My body protested the cold environs of the bathroom at first but once my buttocks settled on the cold lid of the water closet seat, my body was no longer offended by the cold wind that bathed my skin. I had grabbed my diary along with me as companion; the diary Sola gifted me on my 21st birthday that had become like an extended arm from that moment on, until Duke. When I said yes to Duke, I had forbidden the purple laced covered diary and banished it away forever. I should have burnt it, I would have burnt it, if it didn't hold every detail of my life in it's brown pages. Every detail until Duke. My fingers trembled as they lifted it's cover.

I love you KRV

The first words crested on the insides of the front cover and an infinity symbol drawn below greeted my eyes

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The first words crested on the insides of the front cover and an infinity symbol drawn below greeted my eyes. My heart skipped under my chest and my tear glands pinched as my finger traced each letter. Stop it Kemi! Stop it now! My head voice warned. I ignored and continued into it's brown pages. I felt cold shivers gather in my spine as my eyes perused my Gothic-like handwriting, travelling back in time; to a time that now seemed so far away, times I had tried to forget, times I had forgotten, until now, until him. Every page held a memory and every memory held a story and every story had him in it.

"I don't want you go" My fingers clutched his uniform, like a toddler refusing to let Daddy go, tears trickling down my cheeks unstoppably.

"I don't want know I don't want to but I have to" His voice scratched with tears that he won't let fall. He had to be strong for me; he was the one leaving me behind. Enlisting in the Army, he knew what he signed up for, we both did. We both knew the time would eventually come when he'd be called to serve his country but it didn't make it any less difficult. It was soul gutting, heart wrenching and for the first time I wished he didn't get his dream.

I sniffed back the pool of tears that had clogged my nose. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I know you have to go...I'm sorry I'm making this difficult" My eyes fixated on a small area of his uniform, not wanting to meet his eyes.

He pulled me in so my forehead touched his. His eyes dipped into mine. They shimmered. He was only a brink from tears. "No I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm doing this to us"

I broke into sobs again, barely holding my mustered strength. I cuddled his face in between my palms. "I will be waiting for you...every second....every minute...every hour until you come home....Come back to me"

"I promise" His thumb caressed my tear stained face softly. "I am never letting you go....I'll fight every odd to get back to you. You are mine KRV"

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